South Korea Prohibit Tungsten Light Bulb Promote LED

130911 절전·건강지킴이 효과 포스코LED 2세대 램프 
*Ministry of Trade industry and Energy had blocked production and import of tungsten light bulbs between 70 and 150 Watts, since last January 1st 2012 . now from January 1st next coming year 2014 : will prohibit remaining output brightness of 25 to 70 Watts . note a normal light bulb to light a single room has been 100 Watts, thus now below 25 barely sufficient as supplementary light on bed-side lamps or those on automatic timers .

this comes as the government’s plans to do away with energy-inefficient tungsten light bulbs and in contrast : highly energy-wise LED lighting . the only catch is that LED light bulbs has been incomparably expensive until last year and only recently become affordable for the general public . and to further this nation-wide plan : they will support public institutes and humble business to switch to the new mode of lighting . other legalities on remaining light source lower than 25 Watt and higher than 200 Watt is under consideration .


the down-side is that LED light bulbs still has to go much down in price, plus quite a burden on light-weight stands for it feels much like a piece of metal due to its design, compared to class tungsten light bulbs feeling a mold of thin glass, which it is ..

– Korea Tech BLog –

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