Y100 Japanese YEN has fallen below W1000 mark for each Korean WON currency conversion today – the lowest in 5 years since 2008 !
iPad Air . . 16GB W620,000 – 32GB W740,000 – 64GB W860,000 – 128GB W980,000
Japan YEN 16GB Y 51,800 – 32GB Y 61,800 – 64GB Y 71,800 – 128GB Y 81,800
above is the full retail price at Official Apple Stores and what-ever ReSellers in both countries, while smaller stores offer a slight discount . gigantic stores in neighboring Japan like Yodobashi and BIG Camera where they accumulate a generous 5% in their own Membership Points on most products for use after the sale date : exclude sell Apple products from this and sell only at full retail price . however these larger stores as well as Official Apple Stores in Japan deduct 5% to visiting foreigners with passport . thus a considerable discount of over W100,000 ~ 200,000 can be had if you have travel plans to neighboring Japan, especially onto the five major cities throughout where they have Official Apple Stores though NOT as large as those in metropolis around the World .
– Day before last 2013, Korea Tech BLog –