iPhone 6 Plus Defect Refund Exchange insurance Warranty

just after the Weekend of iPhone 6 and Plus release : joys are short-lived, as an Apple is an Apple – a foreign product in the home-base of its major competitor : so just to show you how wrecked product support is here : several defects reported over fan-forums after opening their neat-white package, among which a mis-alignment was found up-front on the LCD covering glass – a visually recognizable, hardware manufacture-line defect . but No, you cannot get a refund nor exchange from the point of purchase (unless it is from the ONLY Official Apple Store in South Korea which is On-Line, and no one yet has received it yet as it is order-made from neighboring China duh-huh) instead : you have to physically take it to one of the out-sourced repair center to get a “defect notice”. they take photos of it and say they have to send it (the photo) back to the States for approval, which will take about three days ..

then another buyer found the one of the two volume buttons stuck-in, clearly flat instead of the other which is excluding . this the selling branch and out-sourced repair branch rejected as “normal” as the button functions when pushed ..

how’s that for a “We are NOT the World” ♪♬ sing-along ?

this is why I prefer to take it to a Real Apple Store when I have business abroad in neighboring Japan or Hong Kong, unless ofcourse a problem is critical -_- where you still get a smile and immediate exchange 😉


Apple’s Official Warranty begins the moment you sign-on on a new device and last for a Year – on malfunctions on the device alone, excluding implemented damage, loss and theft . but know as mentioned many-times over on this BLog : guide-lines are irregular AND picky, that you have to set a plan before confronting a service technician at one of the few out-sourced repair centers mostly at concentrated cities throughout the Korean Peninsula .



local telecommunication companies like SKT and KT offer a welcome choice of insurance (actually two : about W3500 or W4500 per Month depending on you much you get re-embursed) plans when signing-up with them on a new cell phone purchased together from them – again : NEW device only, which includes even self-implemented damage as well as loss and theft 😉

*however this generous service is not available if you sign-up with an unlocked phone, such as those bought from Apple’s only Official Store in South Korea, which is On-Line . but SKT still offers damage insurance on such unlocked phones though .



*note above situation may change as it gradually does, and is true on the first Month iPhone 6 and Plus is released throughout South Korea .


– Korea Tech BLog, in the Land of NO BLACK Friday NOR Cyber Monday -_-

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