Cool Light Weight 4 Color Pen HighLighter Pencil Pelikan MP24


 as an enthusiast often on-the-go, I had a series of 3,4,5 color pens although iPhones and iPads are going to care for a bulk of notes and markers . American ones are usually bulky to handle and pocket with fewer colors while Japanese variety – notably Pilot – add cuteness and ample spare inks .

here, the German maker more followed by graphic artists offer a sleek multi-purpose pen to match well with your iPad 😉


Material : Aluminum
Colors :

  • Black and Red ball pens (blue as option)
  • Orange (thicker) ball-point highlighter
  • 0.7mm sharp pencil thread


there is a narrow eraser inside the top cap
and the most cool and interesting trick to this pen is that it is gravitational :
you point the desired color lettering upwards and click-in,
and to click-out : you press the black switch on the clip .


pen is a rather cheap W25,200
and spare inks rather expensive W5,400
discount at on-line stationary specialty sites such as

or W28,000 and W6,000 respectively at stationary corners of larger bookstores including Kyobo (with their own stationery subsidiary at HotTracks) and YoungPoong .

while the above HotTracks is geared more towards European imports,
Korea-wide Alpha Stationary offers down-to-Earth office supplies
while cutesy ArtBox chains are more girly fancy accessories -_0



still literary in the IT Age,
– Korea Tech BLog, May 2012 –

2 thoughts on “Cool Light Weight 4 Color Pen HighLighter Pencil Pelikan MP24

    1. your local stationery store will carry mostly Korean, Japanese and Chinese writing utensils and as Pelikan is considered a brand-name and art supply : your best bet is to either (Off-Line) drop-by one of larger book stores such as Kyobo, Bandi and Yeon-Poong (On-Line) search the web in Korean and there are about half-a-dozen popular pen internet stores .

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