How to Clean install intuit SiteBuilder when it won’t Open Windows XP Vista

intuit familiar to us for their accounting software, and has acquired HomeStead in 2007 to continue their simple on-Line web site building software even novice can start-up .
.. NOT as “flashy” as Wix, but as more no-nonsense site has to be accessed even with smartphones nowadays : it might be the choice for your name card OR billboard sign sites //

once signing-on with them, you can use the Basic version of their Site Builder on-Line .
but you have the option of downloading the still free Full version to add more notches under your hat – downloadable while contemplating Site Building ON their site .

however if you are using Windows Vista OR XP up to SP3 : you will find you cannot open SiteBuilder and thus doesn’t start .

yonder onto the below link and download the .NET version
which will automatically install Microsoft Java for use with it :





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