ONE Reason NOT to UpGrade to Windows 10

there was an article today heading “TEN Reasons to UpGrade to Windows 10” on major local media in Korean, siting this unprecedented FREE opportunity for previous Windows users .


but no matter what Microsoft Korea Officially may announce, or governmental subsidiaries or big-business who play goodie-goodie with them : it is far from compatible to do secure business and currency transactions . many still don’t work with Windows 8.1 Update and although there are quite a number of exceptions in the huge iBM-compatible platform : Windows 7 SP1 with internet Explorer upgraded to iE9, plus vital security patches would be your best, bet up-to-date this Summer of 2015 // and 32bit at that unless again : you have several computers each for differing purposes( April 2016 Update )

Three full Seasons after Microsoft’s at-last supposed-to-overcome the frail Windows 8 and 8.1 still has a long way to go, or even another Windows to by-pass . again it would be great if you have several computers for differing purpose and places, but if not :

  1. although the brand-NEW Edge (Jesus, they had to dig its Favourites bookmark so deep into its systems folders) is a joy to surf the.Net but is absolutely NOT compatible with local business and banking, and that is why it has internet Explorer 11 as a back-up but even that don’t work on Korean shopping portals .
  2. just about the major attraction for a total beginner is its fully-automatic driver installation, but now even some depending upon its version may hang your computer out-to-dry .
  3. and the theme up-front supposed to adhere to iPad and tablet users tried-out from the daunting Windows 8 is still lingering to tell Microsoft loves its short-comings .
  4. then what an over-simplistic media player it contains that it is all-out time for third-party video software like VLC Player offered in various versions to match your system .

Thus impressive it is, how some Global companies shoot-up, some as a come-back, while some once-glorious institutions never ever learn – Korea Tech BLog .

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