iPhone Whos Call SPAM Number Search

후스콜 - 스팸번호 확인Yes iPhone is sleek in style, wonderfully efficient, joyful to use and awfully cool in trend . it is the most secure kind of smart-phone due to its strict iOS security standards . which also means some functions can be inconvenient at times, compared to the more loose and lax Android OS .

one of the utterly amazing AND convenient trick of Android are a couple of its popular apps, which filters spam phone calls AND messages on-the-fly as you are receiving those annoyance of Post-Millennium mobile life . iPhone does NOT allow this but again a couple of iTunes apps let you have a part of this function, which requires some manual twinkling from the user though :

  1. you copy the in-coming number
  2. and paste it into Whos Call app
  3. where it searches its said 700,000,000 numbers on its data-base
  4. and if you find this to be a spam number : you can list it in your Contacts (phone book)
  5. but this is available on iOS 8.0 and later


thus the same app does SPAM filtering while you are receiving calls and messages on Android phones including SamSung Galaxy and LG Optimus G series, while it does mere post-call search on Apple iPhone models

– Whos Call v1.3.4 Korea Tech BLog –

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