Pen Pouch Case for Apple Pencil

’tis the age when Star Wars is made by Disney, and some iPad Pro case makers considerously attach a slot for Apple Pencil . but you want a strong protective semi-hard almost-shell case for this relatively huge-and-thin device, for it already gets curved when you attach a screen protective film . and here you are on your own to get an independent cover, pouch or case for your dear Apple Pencil . and a thin-and-long one at that, you it is slightly longer than conventional pencils and you won’t to carry this with other pens or pencil to scratch upon . and considering how important your stylus is, and as it doesn’t take-up much space : perhaps even expensive leather would add more class to your digital artist status . so here two classic stationery makers from neighboring Japan, with an assortment of possible colors – both sold-out at the moment, probably due to unpopularity than out-of-stock from Apple Pencil-owners :
thebasic-leather-pencilcase-1a700x640AriaR  Life 라이프 가죽 PENCASE540x550AriaR
further above : The Basic Leather Pen Case Ver.2 hand-made from indigo,
South Korea selling at W11,000 each
measuring 190 x 48mm Apple Pencil length is 176mm so may barely slide-in

then just above : Leather Pen Case by classic stationery maker Life from neighboring Japan at about W22,000
measures about 200 x 40mm just-right for Apple Pencil


I should add there is a seemingly dot-com start-up group developing a case that looks exactly like a bloated Apple Pencil, for it to fit-in physically as well as stylishly . but states it is selling early for about USD $25 and expecting the price to go-up . their website is of blog-design and payment un-sure, so better wait when all the cards are laid and open . more-over this is a hard-case to resemble Apple Pencil’s very own exterior material, but you really want a soft case to preserve the pencil coating as well as its tip, of which all are above //

– initially a pen-person before the influx of smart-phones and pads, Korea Tech BLog –

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