there are many ways to skin a cat, although they actually do cats AND dogs for cheap leather to be exported to looser companies in Europe -_- as for the once, Land of the Morning Calm : they dump them in local liquor for such drinks as Cat alcohol .. quite a contrast compared to neighboring Japan where cats are cared-for and revered all-over the large-and-small islands 😉
and come change-phone time : you back-up for precious files accumulated during the technical joy of Post-Modern, Millennium mobile life . ofcourse the easiest way is to back-up and restore in iTunes – where Apple makes it a quite-simple, form of art . but that will be everything . but Apple introduce their sleek mobile products on a set term every year, and that is a nice time to organize your Life : save good memories for the record, relay and keep what you will need onto your newly prized phone, but get rid of what you don’t .
while there are programs you can tweak into that saved iTunes file, much like Android (done much easier) – and No, we do not Jail-Break here for the pure iOS is the ultimate Apple experience, and secure – you would want to do each program manually on the surface to make this critical transition safe and smooth as possible . and such programs constantly change, for the better . so here introducing the best-apt softwares for iPhone 5 or 5S to 6 or 6 Plus transfer . you have other options when migrating from or to Android device such as SamSung Galaxy and LG Optimus or G – circa November 2014 .
[ iNDEX ]
- iBackupBot V5.2.4 for SMS Messages, Contacts and Memo
- WeChat : in-app,
- iFunBox for Line & KakaoTalk
may be many pro’s and con’s depending upon your taste and virtual life-style, but this is for once-in-a-year savings, as you can do regular periodical back-ups on iTunes .. the one catalyst most Koreans, especially older don’t “get”.
– Korea Tech BLog –
TouchCopy is another option for iPhone backup. Works with all iPod, iPhone and iPad models.