despite a couple of Conspiracy Theories hey, lemme cry “WoLF !” too
for it may have been a task NOT possible, as this is the Land of the Galaxy


  • color : Black, to make the longer iPhone 5 look more elongated for improvised view-finder Life,
  • space : 32GB for 16GB is never enough – THE reason why Google Nexus 7 is insufficient for download country in the Third Millenium,
  • carrier : KT for everything carrier-tuned for iPhone and iPad, other-wise choose SKT for making calls ONLY though,
  • LCD protection film : Power Support プライバシーフィルムセット from neighboring Japan – still being THE only choice for pixel-picky technophile over 2013,
  • casing : Ray Out レザーフレームジャケット レッド from neighboring Japan um for now, for more are coming out -_<

live update improvised at :

“Yippee ~”