Again and again : home ground of Apple’s major competition has not been included in either the first nor second group of countries, their latest […]
Tag: apple
Prelude to FOUNDATION Oh, I mean iWatch
( coming up : Forward the iWatch, iWatch, iWatch and SamSung, Second iWatch, iWatch’s Edge and iWatch AND Earth by Hari Seldon Oh, I mean […]
Best NoteBook LapTop Among SamSung Sens MSi HanSung Sparq Lenovo ThinkPad Hasee Apple MacBook Acer for Summer 2012
in a time when the iPad is used as the ground floor coffee shop menu at the most central-and-now-refurbished Plaza Hotel smack in the middle […]
When NEW iPad 3 Release Launch LTE Which Model Where Buy Seoul Busan Korea
once again, Korea Tech BLog’s new Apple device introduction Page is posted days counting-down to Launch Date, then Updated extensively ~
iPhone 4S iPod Touch 4th Generation 4.5 White Release Price Korea
” this Post starts 2 nights before Apple’s announcement of anticipated iPhone 5 and iPod Touch 5th Generation, with portions appended as the hour nears, […]
Korea Tech BLog Officially Names April 2011 Tablet Month of the Modern Era on Earth Post Millennium
or, Yoda might say “Begun, The Clone War Has ..” in a Penninsula Far, Far Away