iPhone 6 Plus US Japanese Korean Price

our vain quest for the perfect phone in a very strange land ..
former as with iPhone 5S before :
. . . . . . . . . . . Apple.com . . . . /jp . . . . . . /kr . .

iPhone 6 16GB . . $649 . . . Y67,800 . . W814,000
iPhone 6 64GB . . $749 . . . Y79,800 . . W946,000
iPhone 6 128G . . $849 . . . Y898,00 . . 1,078,000

6 Plus 16GB . . . . $749 . . . Y79,800 . . W946,000
6 Plus 64GB . . . . $849 . . . Y89,800 . . 1,078,000
6 Plus 128G . . . . $949 . . . Y99,800 . . 1,210,000

iPad Air 2 16GB . $499 . . . Y53,800 . .
iPad Air 2 64GB . $599 . . . Y64,800 . .
iPad Air 2 128G . $699 . . . Y75,800 . .

Air 2 Cell 16GB . . $629 . . . Y67,800 . .
Air 2 Cell 64GB . . $729 . . . Y78,800 . .
Air 2 Cell 128G . . $829 . . . Y89,800 . .


Joyous Apple Day today throughout the Milky Way ~ as iPad Air 2 has also been introduced

– Korea Tech BLog –


( October 24 Friday Update ) in another anguish for local consumers, as they find conglomerates over-pricing their products in their home-ground than export : telecommunication carriers seem to be poised to sell unlocked at quite a higher price than Apple -_-


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