Apple iPhone 6 and iWatch LiVE Stream

Official BroadCast :

and Korean translation on-the-fly :

quite unexpectedly : several members began linking a live Korean streaming site from a few hours to Official BroadCast . and iminent to beginning time broadcasters began showing off their iPhone 6 procured in advance as well as a selection of dedicated cases from a local makers . they even showed a few advertisements of these (Yeah, make money while delaying broadcast which seems set-up quite bare-bone) when their own broadcast was cut for about 15 minutes, thus narrated instead what they heard through another channel/s .. and there are still street-side vendors in the center of YongSan Electronics Market selling illegal DVD copies (dunno Who buys’em in 2014).


[ 2:24am Update ] best to watch Chinese dubbing stream below in VLC Player

  • iPhone 6 & 6 Plus with A8, barometer,
    6 Plus Optical image Stabilization
  • True mobile wallet by Apple Pay with NFC Touch ID, Secure Elecment and PassBook
  • One More Thing

vlcsnap-2014-09-10-02h44m46s104c690x430Cali vlcsnap-2014-09-10-02h45m02s4c690x430Cali vlcsnap-2014-09-10-02h45m49s212c690x430Cali

wrap-up key-points in 90 seconds :

by next dinner time : prime time nation television channel announced this event was hastily prepared in two Weeks to counter competitor “Global Company Number One”‘s new line of products . and that Apple imitated the latter’s .


and not because I have turned to the Dark Side after using iPhone 5S several Months, but in my opinion :

  1. iPhone just blinked . for now they are entering the varied-size realm of existing competitors’ Android phones, while it is true the remaining Korean consumers kept iPhones for their small size, but also others didn’t because it was too small .
  2. Yes we’ve already seen the first couple of generations of SamSung and LG Electronic’s smart-watch, and much speculative design illustrations and mock-ups have been sited to the count-down of Apple’s ambitious iWatch . but aside from the seemly fun digital looks to configure to match your personality : the rather general physical design sways below those of earlier speculation and will in no way endanger Swiss watch-makers as Apple have hinted imminent to iPhone 6 release – more-so as the latter are amazingly coming-up with their own smart-watches 😉



– Korea Tech BLog –

( September 20 Saturday ) as China was outed from the earliest countries where iPhone 6 was to be released : they came buy in multitude from the long-time East-West hub of Hong Kong, to take back to China and sell almost double Oh I mean triple its original price tag . understandable, since they are buying-up land in the Southern island of Jeju, as well as preparing another shopping spree in the most classic fashion mecca of MyeongDong in central SEOUL, so much so that conglomerate department stores are unprecedentally open throughout the year aside from a day on New Years and ThanksGiving .

Alas the going-rate today in China :

  • iPhone 6 16GB 8300 32GB 8900 128GB 9800RMB
  • 6 Plus 16GB 13,600 32GB 16,500 128GB 17,400RMB


[ iPhone 6, Plus and iWatch LiNK ]

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14.10.17 iPhone 6 Plus US Japanese Korean Price ≫LiNK

14.10.26 The Empire Strikes Back – A Korea Tech BLog Trilogy ≫LiNK
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14.11.1 iPhone 6 Plus F.A.Q. ≫LiNK

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