iPhone 6S PLUS 128GB Rose Gold Availability

A full Week after international release of iPhone 6S AND PLUS, its new color : Rose Gold has become quite popular and scarce to reserve and get . so-much-so that even in the still male-oriented society here on the Korean Peninsula : a new slogan has stuck among Apple fan and iPhone user forums, stating “Cool guys choose Pink !”

still they are readily available, although 128GB and PLUS at that much harder to get – as long as you are willing to pay the price : about a good USD 200 to 400 on top of Official retail price .

as of yesterday :

  • you could get an iPhone 6S 128GB Rose Gold for W1,400,000
  • and iPhone 6S PLUS 128GB Rose Gold for W1,600,000

mostly at user forums and second-hand On-Line stores, from Koreans living abroad as well as travelers, and those whose business was to sneak-in early digital cameras when non was imported . plus the new Rose Gold color is usually W50,000 more expensive than other models .

these premium price may seem like rip-offs, but consider if the original purchaser had to pay tax at its original State, and addition import fee to go through Korean Customs . so it would be cheapest to buy one from a traveler who bought it tax-exempt AND brought it within him without paying customs at Korean borders .



( October 18 Sunday Update ) Note how Rose Gold color and more-so 128GB capacity was hard to get when released abroad abroad, noteably in neighboring Japan and the States . looking at related forums around the Peninsula : quite the same could be expected in South Korea when Official reservation begin tomorrow at larger telecommunication branches (smaller branches have been accepting contact phone-number-only from a Week ago).

much of male consumers are awaiting the pinkish-copper color, while most of these carrier branches have revealed they will NOT be selling any 128GB – and if so, your choice would be at reseller branches (whose numbers have risen considerably with the addition of eMart super-mart – run by ShinSeGae conglomerate AND Hi-Mart electronics discount outlet – acquired by Lotte conglomerate – to Apple’s Official vendors) or the ONLY Official Apple Store in Korea which is On-Line //


[ iPhone 6S and PLUS LiNKS ]

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– Korea Tech BLog –

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