Again and again : home ground of Apple’s major competition has not been included in either the first nor second group of countries, their latest sleek, state-of-the-art iPhone is to be released . imminent to a NEW Apple mobile product : there always are discussions on local fan and user forums, whether South Korea will be included in the first, second, third or even fourth group of countries to be released – where I always accentuate it will be in-between either of those combinations as this once, Land-of-the-Morning-Calm is often neglected or taken as an exception . however to-date October 1st on National Armed Forces Day,
- iPhone 6S and PLUS has acquired KC Korea (safety) Certification Mark by Korean Agency for Technology and Standards,
- and good portion of its stock-pile, may already be within South Korean borders in inCheon awaiting domestic shipment,
- where Official models numbers are verified as A1688 for iPhone 6S, and A1687 for PLUS above on print, so if you purchase these exact ones abroad in advance : international warranty should be effective here after release .
- but still has not applied-for Electronics Frequency Certification from National Radio Research Agency, after which the product usually begins to sell to consumers in about two Weeks .
- that, and striking deals with local telecommunications carriers .. then all should be set to go in South Korea ~
– Please read further-down for updates, as early Post contents would be more prospects –
South Korea may begin early reservation a Week from now on iPhone 6S and Plus Friday October 9th which happens to be Korean language day, to begin selling two Weeks there-after on October 23rd . I cannot confirm this as of now though .
( October 7 Wednesday mid-night Update ) KT is hiring two groups of part-time iPhone 6S consultants from next Wednesday 14th for a full TWO Weeks, then from next Friday 16th for a full Month there-after . so early reservation and release should be tucked within those dates . Apple has implemented a new reserve-and-pick-up system, to do away with the waiting-in-line queue ritual on countries where iPhone 6S AND PLUS was released earlier, so will related this on a separate Post as case studies – to better prepare South Korean expatriates as well as travelers .
simply amazing is the Power of South Korean die-hard Apple-fans to /feel/ the Force of iPhone 6S AND PLUS coming, as sales price on those brought individually from abroad has dropped from about +W300,000 added premium (on the WeekEnd of September 25th when it was first released in Japan and the States) to barely +W100,000 last WeekEnd – now that is a crash-dive in mere TEN DAYS //
( October 8 Thursday Mid-Night Update ) a few who-ever’s uncle works-for AND bloggers said to be working for KT is hinting on early-adopter sites : the now-largest South Korean carrier is in negotiation with Apple, and early reservation as well as Official release of iPhone 6S AND PLUS will be within this Month .
( October 9 Friday Morning Yippee ) it is Official : iPhone 6S AND PLUS will begin reservation next Friday October 16 and will begin to sell from the Friday next October 23, priced at
Official Apple Site . . . .
iPhone 6S 16GB . . W920,000 . . Y 86,800 . . HKD5588 . . USD $649
iPhone 6S 64GB . . 1,060,000 . . Y 98,800 . . HKD6388 . . USD $749
iPhone 6S 128G . . 1,200,000 . . Y110,800 . . HKD7188 . . USD $849
6S PLUS 16GB . . . 1,060,000 . . Y 98,800 . . HKD6388 . . USD $749
6S PLUS 64GB . . . 1,200,000 . . Y110,800 . . HKD7188 . . USD $849
6S PLUS 128G . . . 1,340,000 . . Y122,800 . . HKD8088 . . USD $949
dah ! Korean (Left) price has soared almost W100,000 from preceding iPhone 6 AND PLUS last year
*note Korean price includes tax, while Japanese (middle), Hong Kong (right) and US (far-right) doesn’t – so it will be the cheapest to buy abroad (U.S.∠Japan ∠Hong Kong ∠S.Korea) with tax exception, then bring it into South Korea yourself where Customs will not be implied for personal use . and in this case purchasing in a US State without tax is the cheapest, then in Japan with tax exemption with your PassPort //
this comes at a time when competing SamSung and LG Electronics just lowered theirs (though not much) pending local consumer complaints of how they have been so expensive compared to exported countries like the States .
still Koreans have ways to make this affordable, mostly in conjunction with carrier discounts (begins with about W100,000 off above on a 2-year contract), as well as when a part of or a whole family subscribes to the same company including land-line, Cable TV and internet connection (possible as larger carriers are conglomerates).
( October 14 Wednesday evening update ) Telecommunications branches throughout the nation has been accepting early reservations over the Weekend, simply with your phone number – so unofficial . and are now calling those to get credentials, so it’s going high-gear . those with limited means would have to turn to carrier discounts, while being tied for a good two years for the most expensive iPhone ever in South Korea .
(October 15 Friday evening ) While larger ReSellers like Frisby (why the name ? still beyond The Martian’s imagination) have begun taking reservation today at 3pm, major telecommunication carriers like KT, SKT and LGT will begin October 19 Monday at 9am – all to begin selling a Week from now on October 23 Friday . The Official Apple Korea’s OnLine Store seems to be poised to begin selling ON that day .
( D-Day-1 October 22 Thursday NOON ) most who reserved early at local branches are told to pick-up tomorrow, but also can pick-up today to begin actual registration and carrier sign-up tomorrow . alike current Global situation : model variations are available in sufficient quantities except PLUS, 128GB and Rose Gold color . some who reserved earliest, showed courier service tracking to be delivered this afternoon !
( D-Day October 23 Friday Zero-Hour ) The ONLY Official Apple Store in Korea which is On-Line opened to begin selling the already revered iPhone 6S AND PLUS five minutes after midnight . it began with most mediocre models to be shipped in a few days .
by sun-rise : only scarce and/or popular models in 128GB, Rose Gold and PLUS deliver estimate became longer to 3~4 Weeks .
[ iPhone 6S and PLUS LiNKS ]
- 15.9.20 UnLocked SIM-free iPhone 6S Plus ≫LiNK≪
- 15.9.30 Verify SamSung OR TSMC A9 Processor ON iPhone 6S PLUS ≫LiNK≪
- 15.9.30 Buy iPhone 6S PLUS in US America Japan for use in South Korea ≫LiNK≪
- 15.10.1 Apple iPhone 6S PLUS AND The Existence of God ≫LiNK≪
- 15.10.1 iPhone 6S PLUS 128GB Rose Gold Availability ≫LiNK≪
- 15.10.1 Rasta Banana TuneWear Semi-Hard Case for iPhone 6S PLUS ≫LiNK≪
- 15.10.8 apple-iphone-6s-plus-reservation-system ≫LiNK≪
And for those who must know especially our pre-release source : We monitor via CCTV, a set of humming birds in the international Market on Waikiki Beach
– Korea Tech BLog –