Rasta Banana TuneWear Semi-Hard Case for iPhone 6S PLUS

I sought case manufacturers from neighboring Japan and China, where iPhone 6S and PLUS was released in the first tier of countries – even though a few South Korean case makers such as Spigen touted their iPhone 6 cases would fit just as well, as South Korean date is yet to be announced .

strolling through Japan’s largest discount outlets : Yodobashi Camera and Big Camera, many iPhone 6S and PLUS-dedicated cases simply had an additional sticker on made-for-6 products to indicate it will fit on 6S also . understandable, for iPhone 6S and PLUS’ extra thickness may be negligible, but just to make-sure : I opted for those whose product box came printed “for iPhone 6S” or “PLUS”. and ofcourse, those who made sleek transparent options for the pink glitter to compliment the new Rose Gold color to come-through, enhanced . other colors on this Post is simply to show transparent plastic out-line of the case design, while covering most of the sides as much as possible to protect from unexpected drop :
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above Easy Hard Case by Rasta Banana for iPhone 6S accentuating their Made-in-Japan, and below Easy Hard Case by Taiwanese TuneWear for iPhone 6S PLUS . both of these joyful brand do not sell in South Korea but in Japan and South-East Asia .
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– Korea Tech BLog –

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