ipTime N5004 vs N8004R WireLess Router Speed Test Compare


excuse the dust formed above, but it just feels not sacred to wipe off those that have formed on top a holy wireless router . it also reflects different texture of materials used in product design, for it has been lightly swiped-over once with dry tissue :
above : ipTime N5004 using RaLink RT3052 chip, introduced March 2009 W89,000

below : ipTime N8004R using RealTek RTL8198 chip, introduced December 2011 W94,000
is an enhanced version of N8004 using RaLink RT3662 chip, introduced July 2011
– understandable, for RaLink have been told to halt after continuous extensive heat –

both are top models of 2009 and 2012 respectively, from the most popular or rather dominant wireless router brand in South Korea : ipTime .
external design-wise : the advantage of the former was its detachable antenna,
while the latter’s four, whose each two may be for 2.4GHz and 5GHz respectively
and boasts lovely night-glowing lights . mellow ~

[ Speed Comparison Test Surroundings ]

  • Geographical Location : iTaewon, where American Gi’s, LGBT, partying English Teachers and curious Koreans cross path near the YongSan U.S. Base in the Capital of Seoul,
  • Measured Time : 7am Wednesday April 4th 2012,
  • iSP internet Service Provider : SK BroadBand,
  • Cable Modem : NetWave NW1-MNG-5300(B) Made in China
    is SK BroadBand’s latest general model with faster Upload speeds,
    ( South Korea’s iSP internet Service Providers’ modems rarely change for a good THREE years )


measured location is a 3-bedroom apartment on the 4th floor of an old building
( in Post-Millennium Korea : this means older than 15 Years ) :
Point (A) is a corner bed-room where the Router is place at the window,
Point (B) is just out of that room in the Living Room,
Point (C) is at the window of the Living Room where signal is not direct,
Point (D) is at the window of the other corner bed-room (across the above living room) with wooden doors closed,

*know that wireless signals cannot directly pass streel-framed concrete walls – common building blocks in metropolitan Korea post-1980, but are bounced indoors or even out .
following figures are an average of 3 tries,

N5004 Ping . . Down . . Up . . N8004R Ping . . Down . . Up
(A) . . 14ms . . 18 . . . 10Mbps . . . . . 14ms . . 21 . . . . 11.5Mbps
(B) . . 15ms . . 14 . . . 11.5Mbps . . . . 16ms . . 23 . . . . 9.5Mbps
(C) . . 14ms . . 13 . . . 11.5Mbps . . . . 15ms . . 22 . . . . 7.7Mbps
(D) . . 16ms . . . 8 . . . 11.5Mbps . . . . 16ms . . 11 . . . . 7Mbps

over-all : just when you thought there would be no more room for speed increase, to the tune of Francis Fukuyama’s ‘The End of History and the Last Man’ ..
the newer N8004R boasts roughly 30% increase in download speed however with frequent, random hangs .
so the former N5004 would be deemed much more stable with fluid connection .

planning conventions throughout the Korean Peninsula – mostly between HaeUnDae Beach in Busan and KangNam, SEOUL – commuting on KTX or Asiana/KAL, I used from the earliest wireless dongles to connect laptops via USB, and having used WiBro-to-Wi-Fi portable Eggs : this is always the case, as earlier models connect most stable, while newer models connect faster //

( there-after a firmware update merely 3 Weeks after this post, largely got rid of random block-outs on the newer N8004R )



3 Terms for the Fastest internet Connection in the World on Spring 2012 :

  1. Live & Work in South Korea,
  2. Buy or Rent the latest High-Rise Apartment in Seoul or HaeUnDae,
  3. Connect with this ipTime N8004R, Woohah !


another incredible speedy, wireless moment provided by
– Korea Tech BLog, April 2012 –


ipTIME N904NS NAS linked Korea Tech BLog 550
( May 2013 Update ) ipTime has released their top-notch wireless router N904NS as an upgrade to their existing N904, with main difference as the chip used

  • ipTime N904 introduced November 2012 for W37,000 at larger On-Line discount outlets
    using Realtek RTL8197D chip
  • ipTime N904NS introduced April 2013 for W43,000
    using Broadcom 5358U + 43236 chip

however N8004R still remains as their top model, after almost a year and a half since its release, as it supports GigaBit transfers – which would show full capacity ONLY if your in-coming line supports it, while N904NS rise as the latest with NAS network-attached storage .

on that note : ipTime is now promoting their ipDisk – a catchy name to convert a disk drive in your PC personal computer or laptop into NAS, enabling file-sharing from the internet with your laptop or even iPhone with dedicated app ! works quite fluid so far .

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