No Radiation BUT Asian Yellow Sand Dust Alert in Korea Today and Rain Tomorrow


at least the consoling news from the almost melting-down Fukushima Daiichi (meaning ‘first’ as there is a second site further South) Nuclear Power Plant North-East of the Capital of Tokyo in Japan is that the wind is blowing South AND East OUT towards the Pacific Ocean .

but this Eastern direction of wind in SpringTime also brings unwanted particles from Mongolia in mainland China to the Korean Peninsula and eventually Japan .
this is a common AND familiar Seasonal phenomenon most residents in Korea are accustomed to
and am introducing here for the newly arrived expatriate OR visitor :

– in short : Asian Yellow Sand Dust has mildly hazardous effects to the body with a few positive –


( after-and-before photo of the Han River seen from Yoido island and West-ward view )

commonly refered to in Korean as “HwangSa” translating to “yellow sand” because it leaves a coating of sand-like material as it passes
while seen from afar is reminiscent of a very foggy day – visually imagine the yellowish dustful atmosphere WITHOUT the storm in the familiar planet of Tatooine in the Science Fiction movie Star Wars Episode I .


( dust settled on parked cars as well as on the ground on a typical parking lot afront apartment complex in South Korea )

note that /actual/ situation is NOT as harsh as shown on photos above for atmospheric scenery are from afar
and those of parked automobiles are accumulated dust over a day .
you won’t see a dense cloud in front of you BUT those with allergy will feel it instantly, even in-doors sneezing ..

[ Concern ]

  • contains various pollutants including artificial and most hazardous to those with allergy
    for you should NOT inhale NOR expose to food,
  • park your car in an indoor garage OR cover for it will certainly cover with a thick sandy dust,
  • may shorten operating life of electronics as well as computers, including iPads AND laptop or notebooks,
  • might have damaging effects while an airplane attemps to land,


[ Prevention ]

  • refrain from unnecessary sorties,
  • close doors AND windows when indoors,
  • and wear a medical mask when going outdoor,
    if you plan to live in South Korea for over a year, may I suggest you buy a nice form-fitting daily mask on your next trip to neighboring Japan or a Fukuoka-run to extend Visa for they have a variety to choose from in a corner “drug store” (pronounced like-wise in Japanese which usually doubles as cosmetics salon)
    I personally find Korean-made masks only basic while American-made more for mechanics .


[ ForeCast ]
whole of South Korea will be affected today March 19th Saturday and the particles falling down with rain tomorrow AND will continue Monday in the Southern areas of Daegu or Taegu, Ulsan AND Busan or Pusan .



– Korea Tech BLog, March 19th 2011 –


[ March 20th Update ] sorry Wrong Title :
it turns out RadioActive Cesium-137 HAS been found in the Yellow Sand OR Asian Dust that has been blowing from Mongolia onto South Korea . this phenomenon usually occurs between February to April and has been found for a while every year . and has been increasing although all a negligible rate . (non-radioactive Cesium is found in natural minerals while radioactive Cesium is the by-product of Nuclear Fission and IS toxic to human body both in external contact as well as inhalation) the dust is those that has been formed in  a prolonged period of time and may reflect increasing Nuclear Reactors in China . thus NOT related to current occurrings in Fukushima Japan – just to put the record straight .


[ April 11th Update ] come Air Cleaners that filter Radiation Particles in addition to Asian Yellow Sand Dust !
Right, market on the deadliest story since Hiroshima AND Nagasaki . as the result of the still on-going radiation leak from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant lingers,
so-called “clean” electronic makers like LG Electronics, WoongJin Coway AND Han, KyungHee Living Science producing vacuum cleaners, air cleaners AND humidifiers are quick on adding “Radiation Particle Filters” on their new line of products even with scientific data that it does work .


[ April 30th Saturday Update ] iPad 2 Brings Weird Spring Weather in Rain Storms
oops, busy setting up our new Apple iPhone 4 WHITE AND iPad 2 – a day late in hazardous forecast :

also known as iPad 2 South Korea Launch Weekend – eve started with thunder-storms followed by a whole day of rain Saturday
thus the whole of Metropolitan Capital of Seoul AND surrounding satellite-city vicinities dead-locked in traffic .

that’s NOT all .
it came on top of Asian Yellow Sand Dust again from Mongolia, and will continue onto tomorrow Sunday, affecting airline AND shipping schedules .


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