is Nagoya Kyoto Osaka Kobe Busan Pusan SEOUL Korea Safe Effected Sendai EarthQuake Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

[A] tab above is the Fukushima Daiichi (first) Nuclear Power Plant with Daini (second) just below South
*editing for fuller explaination as situation comes and goes ..

I am a joyfully admitted techie self-submerged in consumer electronics and NOT a physicist
but have accompanied insurance advisors to Nuclear Power Plants
and have been re-assured of the ultimate Hope for humanity
where as the Millennium proceeds, technology seemingly continues to gulp up nature and cruelly harm animals .

  1. First, from the well-educated, trained AND devoted personnel who opt to work at such remote sites
    AND bring their beloved family to live in limited surroundings .
  2. and Second, from knowing there are several layers of precautions, back-ups AND fail-safes
    to ensure the sites are kept in safe surroundings AND operated by dependable people .


and realize that last week’s EarthQuake followed by Tsunami AND damage at Nuclear Power Plants
could happen for many things have coincided together OR in succession of another .
with a bit of doubt whether the Japanese government AND/OR Tokyo Electric Company has been hiding operation detail ..

although I haven’t been to the Sendai region of the North-Eastern sector of Japan’s main Honshu island where this is all unfolding,
the nearest would be the new ibaraki Airport when NO seats were available accessing the Capital of Tokyo onto Haneda, Narita and even the new Shizuoka Airports – what a cozy quiet town BUT with all necessities of modern civilization ..

I have lived in OR familiar with all the cities entitled on this BLog Post
and dubious of Japan government AND Tokyo Electric Company’s announced unrealistic
safe-zone for they may be trying to evacuate population out of an obvious Danger Zone
while real citizens would rather seek more pure air, uncrumbling grounds AND safely drinkable water ..
but again you cannot do much if you do NOT have a choice for personal, scholastic OR corporate reasons .

so I urge you to watch AND listen American media for they now have sufficient reporters AND measurements from Day-3 of the Sendai EarthQuake AND Tsunami resulting in unstabilizing Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant .
multi-lingual as I am, am much dissappointed in national as well as major Japanese TV reportage
for all are acting as if afraid to get scolded from their mother
adding the stuffy arrogance of the still-after-half-a-century military brass .

so the following is only a basic info for the newly arrived-to-the-Orient surfers who have reached my BLog searching :

  1. how the South-Western lying cities of Japan, notably Nagoya, Osaka AND Kobe will be effected by aftershocks of the Sendai EarthQuake
  2. and if the Port city of Busan or Pusan just over West of the Strait from Japan
    AND even the Capital of Seoul in South Korea will be effected
    if the heating-up Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant comes to a melt-down .


[ prospected Safe Zones from possible melt-down at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant ]

just South of Sendai is Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
so a common guess is that the whole Hokkaido island with Sapporo to the North
and Mount Fuji to the South would begin the safe boundary limits as long as winds are moderate .
this rough zone I draw is a large area worth 1.5 hours flight in civilian airline .

if you are OR live near these areas I suggest you do some search on what IS happening AND the probable consequence
before rolling out on panic from rumours you hear OR even official government statements
( for I have learnt that even in post-Millennium Japan this culture does NOT herald a person OR a town-full of families over the nation ).
many sources are available for the laymen in terms NOT requiring knowledge of rocket science .

although radiation measurement IS appearing but NOT near dangerous levels in  the Capital of Tokyo
it would be uncomfortable to live a normal life since you would minimize time outdoors .

here is a good link to effected areas in relation to population density in Japan :



– following advice is from what we know as of evening March 18th Friday 2011 –

in short : rest of Japan would be concerned with EarthQuake whose after-shock continues, as well as possible melt-down
where-as the Korean Peninsula would be more concerned of all sorts of radiation particles lifted by air .
currently wind is blowing towards East and South-East /away/ from the damaged Plant further onto the Pacific Ocean .


[ Concerns in Japan ]
Rule Number One : you should follow the crucial evacuation perimeters set by the Japanese government or rather Tokyo Electric Power Company .
but this is the last-ditch effort for a safe life without serious illness .
so if I had a choice – in terms of job, family AND pets – I would leave Tokyo for matters could turn bad if the wind starts to turn in-land .
more-so for pregnant women as well as children whose growing cells are more susceptible .
( even on normal run : Nuclear inspectors would NOT let their personnel to go IN the Plant building when pregnant )

although there are more horror story concerns of the national symbol AND tourist spot of Mount Fuji possibly erupting,
further down South-West from Shizuoka should be overtly safe of any hazards, as you are now past mountain range – which efficently block radiation (the whole high-terrain West of Tokyo, short of the other side of the Pacific : is a well-known resort area for Tokyo residents to escape extensive heat during Summer).
so Nagoya and further down Osaka AND Kobe would be safe NOT to mention Fukuoka and the rest of Kyushu way~ down .
( but then again you should know a fault lies underneath the very Osaka~Kobe line )


[ Concerns in South Korea ]
across the Sea in the Korean Peninsula is far better, but again if the wind direction changes
even civilians further West in MainLand China would start to panic .
but remember I said panic as in self-hysteria and NOT physically dangerous .

Korea too has several Nuclear Power Plants on its shores but another tsunami is unlikely
due to shallow waters South AND West off the Korean Peninsula
with only the East shores deep in water but once inland is protected by a North-South vertical mountainous region .

only the very Southern region from Daegu or Taegu AND Ulsan down South to the Port city of Busan or Pusan is rather flat
( actually 2 of the 4 Korean nuclear sites are here – duh, Hello ? but are built on higher ground than Fukushima )
and here regular schedule boats arrive to AND from Japan so more entrance for possibly radiation-effected goods or passengers .

furthermore earthquakes do NOT happen much in the Korean Peninsula – NOT at all even near the frequency of neighboring Japan .


just for sake of consoling comparison I should note that a tint of negligible radiation was measured yesterday March 17th PST across the Pacific Ocean in Sacremento
but note : the illustration is of waves from tsunami and NOT radiation later

– Korea Tech BLog, March 18th 2011 –



11.3.12 my Post on the whole Sendai EarthQuake AND Tsunami including Updates on Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant with possibility of melt-down – I repeat – melt-down 0o0 ≫LiNK

11.3.19 aside from region-specific advise although laymen’s, do refer my Post on the difference of Nuclear Power Plants in Japan vs. South Korea ≫LiNK



March 20th Sunday evening : situations are changing a bit better then worse .. so will update contents on my Sendai EarthQuake Post linked above instead of here AND/OR both Posts –

March 22nd Tuesday afternoon : wind direction above Fukushima is turning in-land South and South-West towards Tokyo AND raining – you DON’T want be out folks – and heading to the South-Western cities mentioned here, but once in Kansai regaion the wind is blowing East towards the ocean for now – so keep checking the weather for these regions .

– Weather Changes in Regions Affected by Radiation Basic 101 Series –

  1. RAIN OR SNOW is more harmful than simply breathing-in contaminated AIR because it contains more concentrated amounts of harmful particles,
  2. it is relatively good if it rains OR snows AT the effected area because radiation particles to blow away by wind will come down AT the originating spot without having a chance to leave,
  3. it is relatively bad if the wind carries the radiation particles out to another populated area, and THEN rain OR snow there there-by possibly tainting further regions,


March 24th morning : with the Japanese Capital of Tokyo now selectively intaking drinks AND food dependent on origin,
South Korea is considering ban of food imports originating from Fukushima, ibaraki, Dochiki AND Kunma-ken . again, ‘ken’ is how large blocks of regions are divided in Japan as North AND South Korea is by ‘do’.

American products were savoured in South Korea following the Korean War through rations flowed into black markets into ‘Ghost’ Markets in the Capital of Seoul (in South Gate ‘NamDaeMoon’) AND KwangBokDong/NanPoDong in the Port City of Busan or Pusan .
and from post-Olympic 1988 Japanese food was widely available in underground B1 floor levels of major department stores including Shinsegae, Midopa, Lotte AND HyunDai, which over the Millennium is stacked with a wide vairety of wines from around the Globe – French ofcourse and Chile getting popular with my favourite in German .

snow expected today and then over the week-end in the Northern regions of South Korea including the Capital of Seoul ..
– update : 2 ~ 10cm snow fall alert TONIGHT on upper regions from KyungGiDo to KangWonDo –


– constantly getting search queries from Nagoya AND Osaka on effect from Fukushima –
I have lived in most cities on this title thus being familiar with the areas including the Capital of Tokyo
and believe you are fine in as geographical proximity is concerned WITHOUT tainted food comsumption from affected areas,
although several theories arise on the past earthquake de-stabilizing the very fault passing directly the Kansai region .

make this an excuse to learn how radiation more effects pregnancy AND growing children
which should be a concern in the Capital of Tokyo,
(where a bulk of outer-city commuters reside in areas of radiation detection OR food source tainted)
even if the whole situation comes to settle, the effect would linger certainly for months even years
more onto land than sea thus the goods it provides .

then think (about moving to – for Tokyo-lites) ‘Fukuoka’ – a nice quiet small city in the Southern island of Kyushu WITH all the cosy BUT ultra-modern amenities of Japan,
ironically situated between the two WWII A-Bombed city Hiroshima AND Nagasaki .


most larger conventions, fairs AND exhibitions to be held on March to April in Tokyo Big Site AND Tokyo international Forum have been cancelled .
while Asiana Airlines have cancelled all flights to the flooded Sendai Airport also Fukushima Airport until April 30th
AND ibaraki Airport (2-hours train ride North-East of Tokyo recently turned from military hanger to limited international flights to AND from South Korea AND China) until April 7th
with many airlines waiving penalty charges for changing OR cancelling flights into Japan .


March 25th Saturday : Air around the World AND Food in Asia effected

with remnants of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant radiation measured at American West Coast on March 18th then on iceLand on 22nd,
CTBT Comprehensive Nuclear Ban Teaty Organization Preparatory Commission estimated
the miniscule particles are expected make a full circle around Earth in 2~3 weeks .

I love their panorama photographs where Technology breathes amidst uncontested Nature :

with bottled water empty on shelves of convenience stores in the Japanese Capital of Tokyo, they are planning to import from neighboring South Korea but although near just across the strait it would take at least a week or two for actual shipping to arrive .


across the sea West yesterday Taiwan reported radiation on clams from Japan and today

China reports a Japanese Mitsui OSK Line ship entering Xiamen (Chinese Hawaii just across Taiwan) AND two Japanese tourist entering Wuxi Airport in JiangSu Region showed above-acceptable levels of radiation .
the latter reside in Nagano AND Saitama-kens (area in-between affected Fukushima AND the Capital of Tokyo aproximately and hours train commute) and left with their tour group after receive no-radiation results from their directed hospital .



March 26th Sunday : being in Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka AND Kobe in short from Hyogo-ken AND largely the Kansai Region of greater Japans,

may be frustrating NOT as close as the Capital of Tokyo to hear first-hand of occurrings from out-of-city commuters towards the affected area, yet NOT perceivably far enough in proximity to have consolation of mind, although evidently beyond hazardous zone . the simple fact is that although Japan as a country geographically prone to earthquakes were ready AND its reactors were built to withstand certain magnitude of earthquake AND tsunamis this occurring could have been over the expected limit . thus the main reason we are NOT getting definite answers may be because this is new territory even for the authorities as well as specialists contemplating to solve the situation .

as the worst-case scenario being melt-down while all measures now aided by the U.S. in effect to sooner-or-later stabilize the situation to a point . one sure thing is that this is going to be a long-term effect more 30 than 3 years . but getting out of a relatively safe zone on the Japanese islands may NOT be a wise decision for there always is the /other/ side of the coin .. in opportunity .

Kyoto used to be called “Miyako” for the Capital was formerly situated in Kansai (meaning West) Region . in the modern era of large business and industry was divided into this Kansai AND Kanto centering on the current Capital of Tokyo towards the East – actually forming the central region of the main Honshu island . and although the West was no match in size with the East, it was always considered a contending partner together which brought advanced products AND service to the World .

with the current situation there may be a gradual “shift” of fresh interest to Kansai, for regions on the other side (North-East) of the effected area generally refered to as Tohoku has harsher climate and has long been residence to elders, thus more need for teachers, advisors AND specialists as onto the heights of the Meiji Era .



March 30th Wednesday : with Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant still in distress as workers try to spurge water onto a building where they CANNOT confirm the source NOR amount of damage with smoke converging out of 1 AND 3 Plants .

earthquakes unrelated to this has mumbled in Myanma, Russia AND the off South-Eastern coast of the Korean Penninsula – the very shores where they have TWO Korean Nuclear Sites (each site contains a couple of Nuclear Power Plants). what the World is coming to ?


French reseachers navigates the radiation in the wind has now gone over North America, Russia, Chian AND Korea with the rest to be eventually effect .

also concern on the Korean Penninsual is the Spring winds that blow from Japan towards West annually in April .
plus weather forecasts of rain in the week-end has another population worried
astonishing some weather forecasting sites now list radiation measurements by the region !

for Official status in South Korea link to Korea institute of Nuclear Safety although there a few more institutes with measurement updates in Korean : click on the Korean lettering above the small map on the upper-right corner for full view of the whole Korean Penninsula,

as of March 29th Tuesday AND 30th Wednesday more particles are noticed on the Northern region around the Capital of Seoul with the least on the Southern island Jeju-Do, hinting these may have made a full circle around Northern Pacific to arrive into Asia Far-East .



April Fools Day Friday to surfers who are seeking no-BS simple yes OR no answers on regions mentioned on the title of this Post
namely Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Busan OR Pusan and Seoul :

  1. again, refer to your regional Official announcement for now they have had ample time to figure out measurements AND plans,
  2. I would be worried for the pregnant AND early children in Northern commuting residence of the Capital of Tokyo,
  3. Tokyolites will have to live with new precautionary measures in daily routines,
  4. all cities sited on this title is SAFE and hinting how small the amount you are exposed to :
    that if you get on a plane you will get more radiation ON the plane AND landing to find there still is Fukushima radiation now in the States, Canada, Russia AND China .
  5. South Africa seems still clear BUT it may be only a matter of time,
  6. except the immediate radius of the effected area in Tohoku Region of Japan, what matters is the miniscule rise in the chance of getting cancer,


April 2nd Saturday : across the Pacific Ocean towards where Fukushima wind has been blowing since the earthquake (with random afternoons towards South AND West this week), minute amounts of iodine 131 was found in milk produced in California and Washington State . while the media brush off as negligible amounts activist groups are concerned this IS continuing, with Fukushima site still uncontained .


April 5th Tuesday : read my post linked way above on the original breaking story of Sendai Earthquake AND Tsunami, as KEPCO today started dumping radiation stained water onto the ocean . ever since the mishap at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, KORDI Korea Ocean Research and Development institute has been simulating future events of ocean currents that could carry radiation .

according to this whatever radiation particles swept out of the Plant would stay around Fukushima shores in April, then turn South and onto Central Pacific without no direct current carrying West at least until June and would take several years for it to return West . however keeping record for Cesium has a dormant life span of 30 years .

add to that KINS Korea institute of Nuclear Safety bearing on the studies of NFRDi National Fisheries Research and Development institute, stated that fishes like Mackerel, Cutlass and Pollack of Japan and Korea belong to different Group thus very low probability of flowing into other’s waters . however Squids borne at the very Fukushima waters move North onto Hokkaido island and has been instances of venturing further West .


April 7th Thursday : First the Bad News and then the Good News OK ?
it is AND/OR going to rain on all the cities mentioned on this Post including Tokyo . and it will bring down radiation particles . already measured in the Southern island of Jeju .

on the other side of the coin the fish market is dead for fear of contamination arriving from Fukushima shores . aside from seaweed which effectively purifies the ocean as well as radiation, Japanese as well as Koreans are staying clear of all seafood even from Russian waters . so much so, that if you are up for it : fish is selling at Seoul whole-sale market for half-price and no one buying even that .


April 11th Monday : NOT to scare you off but there are several mobile applications available for iPhone as well as Android short of actually detecting radiation BUT displaying measurements of certain geographic areas, some originally intended to show possible radiation levels emitted from the very cell phone if you make a call .



[ December 22nd 2011 Update ]

1. some time following the outbreak : in concern for sales of farm crops production in the area and fish catches from the East, there was this program where a couple of announcers (host in Japanese broadcast) eagerly ate these on the air . but sometime in November the major male host was in a hospital although the cause was not yet confirmed .

2. the two major Airports serving the Japanese Capital of Tokyo : Narita international and Haneda (which added an independent international building) Airports now have constant radiation meters on their official sites and the levels seem stably low .

 one minor airport certainly effected by Sendai earthquake and Fukushima melt-down will be iBaraki Airport – dreadly almost half-way North onto affect areas of Fukushima, which barely opened March 2010 that some maps still show as former Hyakuri military Airfield, to bare alternative airports to current Haneda and Narita international Airports serving the Capital of Tokyo .

Mount Fuji Shizuoka Airport had opened just earlier on June 2009 too, which although as far as iBaraki from Tokyo has much more tourist suroundings of hot springs .

  1. Tokyo’s original Haneda Airport lies mere 30-minutes subway or monorail-ride South,
  2. while Narita Airport took over international flights from 1978 is 40-minutes by expensive Narita Express Train or 90 by limousine buses to the North all from central Tokyo train station,
  3. Mount Fuji Shizuoka Airport is accessible further South by and hour on Shinkansen bullet Train, then another by shuttle bus,
  4. and iBaraki Airport although similar distance North as with Shizuoka to the South from Tokyo, has the most rattling transport to the Capital in 2 hours unless you have business or pleasure up North on Nagano,all distance originates at the old Tokyo train Station at South-Eastern dock of the Capital and all airports except Narita take on few airlines serving domestic, Korea and China .

3. although life, mostly those surounding the Capital of Tokyo which is not afar from earthquake and radiation effected areas up North, have largely returned to normal, there still are periodical electricity shortages and the grand effect on Japan’s production industry as well as national psyche has taken a blow to recover soon .

and even though the immediate authorities now deem radiation is contained, still admitting it will take years to close down completely – reversively-open international community best be dubious about a traditionally closed island nation with its own way of doing things with much incent covered in layers as witnessed during the first few Weeks verifying melt-down .

note the abrubt news cast imminent to successive melt-down of reactors at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant, where immediate personel were gasping for breath bowing 90-degrees to ruling authorities whose eyes were cougarred as if to devour them all alive .. gulp 0o0



( March 16th 2012 Update, on the Release of the NEW iPad 3rd Generation ) is it now Safe to Travel to Japan ?

a year past Sendai EarthQuake and Tsunami followed by Fukushima Nuclear Plant melt-down, the facts :

  1. TEPCO management is still elusive,
  2. Japan authorities announce facts that it is safe,
  3. young Koreans are as free-minded as neighboring Japanese brought-up in the Atomic Age hoping radiation will make them taller,
  4. but Koreans whose worst techno-threat in the Korean War were bubbled tanks, in general are wary to travel across the Japan or rather Korea Strait, sensitive to even the ticklish of rumours,
  5. yes the measurements still coincide with the safe areas I contended earlier above : North to Sapporo and South beyond Nagoya ..
    but there are various measuring methods and what form of radiation you measure,
  6. also two more aspects at stake are how long you are exposed as well as how long once the effected material or beings emit it,


better to tell you the story of a Korean doctor who blogged on his ski trip to West mountains of Honshu, Japan’s main central island crust .

he with his own medical counter measured by starting of with his hospital office and then measured again once at the ski slopes at the Western border of my safety zone above : his office was higher !

but again, inside the air plane heading to Japan was much higher 0o0



( May 30th Update ) I still get inquiries on safety at Osaka to Fukuoka in neighboring Japan as well as concern from Jeju island to the Port City and classical resort of Busan or formerly Pusan,

but in a Global age where much array of products and people travel extensively, the rest are almost in the same big bag except the immediate vicinity of this Worldly disaster -_-

check the radiation levels now installed at all international airports in Japan and you know it is almost Nil, but radiation although negligable to cause human harm, is now detected among tuna approaching California coast ..

and if it still worries you, consume brown seaweed regularly – actually there is a tradition for the whole family to enjoy its soup on a person’s birthday in Korea .



( December 2012 ) while Korean tourists are still checking Tokyo OFF iteneraries, sporadic news comes out of rediation measured from materials traded from effected areas in neighboring Japan – aspect hard to control in a truely Global era when people and merchanise inter-act freely . the news then dissipates as if from some conspiracy theory .

  • radiation levels found on North-Eastern sector of the Capital of Seoul around Spring, turns out building concrete from nearby construction site originated from soil from contaminated areas in Japan,
  • also vegetables with higher radiation levels found in South-Eastern city of DaeGu this Summer, were re-labeled from those originated near contaminated areas,


One thought on “is Nagoya Kyoto Osaka Kobe Busan Pusan SEOUL Korea Safe Effected Sendai EarthQuake Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

  1. Thanks for writing this article. I live in Ashiya (near Kobe) Japan with my Japanese wife and our two daughters. Everyone in America has been telling me that we should leave Japan immediately and go to America, but I feel conflicted. Are we really safe here?

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