YongSan Electronics Market 2016 Lunar NEW Years Holiday CLOSED

( Nation-wide ) Reminding you : South Korean government administrative departments and Official institutions have been implementing Substitution Holiday System from 2014, where the next business day becomes a Holiday – if any National Holiday falls upon a Saturday, Sunday or any other existing Holiday .

( YongSan Electronics Market-wise ) then a system unique to this electronics district where buildings are divided into three categories, explained over on our dedicated Page on Top Menu :

  1. WholeSale-ONLY buildings, mostly behind main roads
  2. buildings with WholeSale AND consumer retail stores mixed together, usually in smaller buildings on main roads
  3. larger buildings AND mall complexes geared to the consumer AND support centres .


  • above 1 & 2 : will take the original three days OFF, from February 7 Sunday until 9 Tuesday, while letting each smaller stores decide on their own to take the next 10 Wednesday OFF or not .
  • above 3 : will keep on their own schedules, which would be open throughout the Lunar NEW Years holidays, so Happy Shopping ;


[ Appendix ] geographically from North-West and clock-wise :

  • JeonJa (Electronics) Land – YongSan Branch open 10am~7:30pm and WeekEnds until 8pm
  • ( Bus Terminal SangGa building which would be in this category, is currently being rebuilt into international hotel property )
  • (HyunDai) iPark Mall open 10:30am~8:30pm and WeekEnds until 9pm
    exception : H&M, Muji, Top10 and Uniqlo until 10pm



( Up-Coming ) You would have noticed massive construction going-on on both sides (West and East) of iPark Mall atop YongSan KTX Train Station, where new Duty-Free shops (to fully open March 2016) and deluxe hotels (expected 2017) are being built, to make this the latest multi-shopping complex following Haeundae Centum City (open 2005) and YeongDeungPo Times Square (open 2009).

– Between Walt Disney’s Cinderella and Alejandro iñárritu’s Revenant, Korea Tech BLog –

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