2013 Apple Korea Red Friday Event 320x373The ONLY Official Apple Store in the Korean Peninsula which is On-Line : had a slight-discount event the Year before and last Lunar New Years which included iPad 4, Mini and Mac Pro where the latter was discounted W132,000 but excluded newly-released models . those that were discounted was about -9% and included accessories like cases .

and trying to follow the North-American shopping tradition of Black Friday it is naming this Year Red Friday, to be applied to purchase on selective products 24-hours coming Friday January 10th 2014 . *and in concern to recent buyers cancelling or returning their purchase to take advantage of this this day’s SALE : they seem to be offering partial refund on already-purchased items .


currently The Official Korean Apple On-Line Store offers almost-unconditional Refunds for TWO Weeks (14 Days : used to be 30 until a Year ago) and accepts Exchanges until a Month (30 Days) from purchase date .

please direct inquiries to their local On-Line Site which is Apple followed by co.kr although you will barely get any more information than above ..


still note the cheapest way to buy an iPad currently is in neighboring Japan – even though it is excluded from Asian countries expecting this discount event – due its falling Yen currency WITH detax applied to visiting foreigners if you have travel plans .

other Asian countries expecting Red Friday event are Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singpore and Thailand .



[ ACTUAL SALE BEGAN ] around 2:30am Friday January 10th 2014 . local papers herald this as a once-a-year chance but Apple fan-base reactions are cold over the Korean Peninsula : as discounts aren’t as much as expected however welcome they are discounting even newly-released models this Year.

Mini Retina 16GB W500,000 ―W31,001 →W468,999
Mini Retina 32GB W620,000 ―W46,000 →W574,000
Mini Retina 64GB W740,000 ―W62,001 →W677,999
Mini Retina 128G W860,000 ―W72,001 →W787,999

Cellular 16GB W650,000 ―W31,000 →W619,000
Cellular 32GB W770,000 ―W46,000 →W724,000
Cellular 64GB W890,000 ―W62,000 →W828,000
Cellular 128G W999,000 ―W72,000 →W927,000

iPad Air 16GB W620,000 ―W46,000 →W574,000
iPad Air 32GB W740,000 ―W62,001 →W677,999
iPad Air 64GB W860,000 ―W72,001 →W787,999
iPad Air 128G W980,000 ―W82,000 →W898,000

Cellular 16GB W770,000 ―W46,000 →W724,000
Cellular 32GB W890,000 ―W62,000 →W828,000
Cellular 64GB W989,000 ―W71,000 →W928,000
Cellular 128G 1,120,000 ―W82,000 →1,038,000

iPhone 5S 16GB W818,000 ―W62,000 →W818,000
iPhone 5S 32GB W948,000 ―W62,000 →W948,000
iPhone 5S 64GB 1,140,000 ―W62,000 →1,078,000

iPhone 5/5S leather case W52,000 →W45,800
MacBook Air 1,290,000 ―132,000 →1,158,000

― all ship-out in 24 Hours (some changed to 3~5 business days by evening) ―


may be a good time to buy iPhone or iPad accessories – some of which are on SALE too – like a couple of different length Lightning USB Cables : 0.5 or 2 instead of the usual 1m.included in retail packages . other-wise : instead a Happy Week-end trip across the Channel South to the Japans – whose Yen currency has fallen for you – would be much more price-conscious while early rumours are being leaked about thinner iPhones to come at the end of next Semester . ofcourse competing SamSung’s own SALE expected follow ..