Korean Apple Premium ReSeller Frisbee MyeongDong Main Store MOVED

Frisbee main store in MyeongDong has moved since it first opened early 2009, near-by to across the Street diagonally North-East :

while the earlier location was closer to the Northern entrance of MyeongDong from ‘MyeongDong’ Subway Station Exit 6 or 7, it is now midway if you enter MyeongDong from their Western entrance across Lotte Department Store . another choice would be to get off at ‘EulJiRo ibgu’ Subway Station and Exit 5 or 6 .

and up to the second floor :
ofcourse the above people are waiting for their Apple iPhone 4 😉 seems how long you would have to wait has to do with the timing . and it correlates with when people in the general population would have /other/ chores to do, the shorter you would have to wait .


[ December 3rd Supplement ]
let me make it clear to repeat that : Apple still does NOT have a direct-run store in South Korea such as those cubic monolith major US cities, except an On-Line Store where manufactured products are shipped from mainland China after order .

also : this post is about ‘Frisbee’ which is now only ONE of the of Apple-contracted local sellers, although with larger space to-date with increasing branches mostly in the Capital of Seoul .
Apple still holds other contractors with many stores in major department stores as well as product support centers for repair .


[ March 21st 2011 Supplement ]
a whopping 2 years past this Post, South Korea is Apple country .
still, NO direct-run Apple Store except on-Line,
BUT several more chains AND stores as large as Frisbee so look up on their Official Korean site (NOT Frisbee site)



inter-related Posts :
2009.2.6 largest Apple Store Korea open Seoul Premium ReSeller Frisbee,
2009.2.6 Apple iPhone 3GS Launch in Korea – available Models, Versions and Price to us KT,

2010.8.15 Apple iPhone 4 Official Release in South Korea,
2010.8.16 Where to Buy, How to Use and How Much to Sell Apple iPad in Seoul, Busan, South Korea,
2010.10.5  Apple iPad Begin Sale South Korea Early Sign-Up Reservations,

2011.3.15 Apple iPad 2 Release Date Seoul Busan South Korea,
2011.10.3 Apple iPhone 4S iPod Touch 4th Generation 4.5 White Release South Korea Price When and Where,


and dedicated Pages to hold true for over a year :
– Apple Stores in KangNam, Southern SEOUL,
– Apple Store Directory Korea,
– Apple Support Centers in South Korea,
– Apple Korea F.A.Q. ,

2012.4 Apple Stores near inCheon and GimPo AirPorts serving SEOUL,

and~ the adventure continues onto Andromeda, with Korea Tech BLog

2 thoughts on “Korean Apple Premium ReSeller Frisbee MyeongDong Main Store MOVED

  1. (moved from’About’) hi
    plese tell me that where is the adress largest store apple in seoul. please send email for me this adress.
    thank you.

    1. it really is hard to keep track of “largest” stores for much is changing by-the-year as South Korea turns main-frame Apple country .
      the card-at-play is the fact that there is NO direct-run Apple Store yet, thus contracted stores change as market shifts ..

      still a rule-of-thumb would be the largest AND most packed shopping district AND multi-complex .
      thus, in the Capital of Seoul : Central – MyungDong, KangNam – KangNam Station and COEX Exhibition Complex .
      in the Port City of Busan or Pusan it would be Central – SeoMyon with South – NampoDong and East Centum City as alternatives .

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