PowerEx Legend Modular 800W 80Plus Gold Bronze

as a daily necessity machine at work as well as home : power source on a computer is the most critical before all of its inside and outer-connected peripherals . ofcourse lower wattage is enough for no-frills basic main-frame AND much affordable, but HDD hard disk drives offering best price-per-storage AND hard-core VGA video cards requiring 500 minimum watts : you would want to buy over 700W, especially if you have several tiers of storage .

here you have three price-level groups to choose from : well below W100,000 from bargain makers, just below W150,000 from popular companies offering a good balance of both Worlds and around W250,000 from reputable brands most Global . in my long-experience – Yes I was borne holding a laptop : the most expensive ones randomly short-out too, while the most cheapest – as long as they have a proven track record with popular following : offer dependable power just as well .

add to this : you might want to stick to a company with a support centre close to you where you can bring it yourself, instead of sending it considering the heavy metallic nature, especially as you may have to explain your problems or failings in detail . thus here two of the safest bets for a relatively powerful computer system come Spring of 2014 :
1305 POWEREX LEGEND Modular 800W 80Plus 골드18e 1305 POWEREX LEGEND Modular 800W 80Plus 골드14a 1305 POWEREX LEGEND Modular 800W 80Plus 골드14b 1305 POWEREX LEGEND Modular 800W 80Plus 골드04a 1305 POWEREX LEGEND Modular 800W 80Plus 골드04b
Gold above introduced May 2013 W155,000 at larger On-Line discount outlets
with a whopping 5-Year Warranty plus another 5 PAID
Bronze below out since December 2012 currently W112,000 comes with 3-Year warranty
1112 POWEREX LEGEND Modular 800W 80Plus 브론즈16
1112 POWEREX LEGEND Modular 800W 80Plus 브론즈09 1112 POWEREX LEGEND Modular 800W 80Plus 브론즈04 1112 POWEREX LEGEND Modular 800W 80Plus 브론즈05

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