no, no end-cycle phase Sale of Apple iPad 2 as Best Buys in the States but used prices for iPad 2 is going down as rumours of iPad 3 solidify with witness photos from related sub-contractors of inner parts as well as accessories .


( see way~ below on new prices after NEW iPad 3 introduction
. . . . . . . . . . Korean Stores . . Used . .

Wi-Fi 16GB. . $499. . . . W640,000 . . . W585,000 . . W450,000 . .
Wi-Fi 32GB. . $599. . . . W770,000 . . . W685,000 . . W490,000 . .
Wi-Fi 64GB. . $699. . . . W890,000 . . . W818,000 . . W580,000 . .

. 3G 16GB . . $629. . . . W790,000 . . . W660,000 . . W500,000 . .
. 3G 32GB . . $729. . . . W920,000 . . . W819,000 . . W550,000 . .
. 3G 64GB . . $829. . .W1,039,000 . . . W880,000 . . W630,000 . .

Used iPad 1 Wi-Fi : 16GB W250,000 ; 32GB W290,000 ; 64GB W320,000
Used iPad 1 3G . . . 16GB W300,000 ; 32GB W330,000 ; 64GB W370,000
all clean devices with most product warranty period over but those valid a few W10,000 more

  • Exchange Rate 1 US Dollar = 1,125 South Korean Won as of February 29th 2012
  • is South Korean Apple On-Line Store with delivery over-night and Refunds within 2 Weeks
  • Korean Stores are mostly On-Line Stores with strict refund and exchange policies than Apple On-Line Stores especially on Dead Pixels sensitive to Korean electronics manias
  • [ Used iPad 2 Price in South Korea ]
    • lowest sold record or selling terms this Week on On-Line reseller sites and product-specific communities,
    • above are mostly clean device without-a-scratch with original box with 3 Months product service warranty valid, plus some are selling brand-new un-opened product at the same price – meaning, those with visible dents can only be sold much lower,
    • not much price difference between Wi-Fi and 3G models ! some days because it depends on the willingness from the original consumer and the next buyer’s intent at the time,
    • also remember that most used iPads are sold as a package with dedicated accessories such as case and connection cables/ports – some of which can be pricey
      (listed used price above IS the package price)

surprisingly, no price difference between While & Black on Used iPad 1 or 2 currently .. and if there is, for example : W2~30,000 lower than above listed price on Wi-Fi 32GB ! noting mostly whites than black iPad 2 traded currently .

and out of all Used iPads : 32GB has the most merit price-wise because it has the most competition as more users has bought it initially, while only those really tight on budget or light users can afford 16GB and selective greedy power-users can handle 64GB ..

as witnessed above, this can be a great time to buy a used iPad 2 especially 3G and more if you can get a bunch of accessories in the package and great if an un-opened chance comes your way .

now, because it will be hard to get the new iPad 3 during the first Month or two anyway . and you would be able to re-sell the used iPad 2 at almost the same price a couple of Months here-after .

Months there-after your iPad 2 will take a price-dump but any iPad including the original 1 will sell if you re-sell it cheap
but remember the whole of modern South Korea is on a superficial bubbled thirst for the latest Apple-anything 😉



also remember Wi-Fi models come with Global Warranty but 3G does not due to telecommunications carrier-specific circuitry . 

*please do not inquire me about WHERE to buy used devices because this BLog only informs what and how
as points-of-purchase are offered as part of my consultancy service


when iPads have become measuring time-blocks of our silicon society,
– Korea Tech BLog, February 29th 2012 –



[ related inner-links ]

Korea Tech BLog’s initial Apple Store Directory

The Largest Apple Store in the Korean Peninsula Open in the Capital of Seoul

Apple UnVeils the iPad

Where to Buy, How to Use and How Much to Sell Apple iPad in Seoul and Busan, South Korea

Apple iPad Begin Sale in South Korea and Early Sign-Up Reservations

Apple iPad 2 Release Date for Seoul & Busan, South Korea

Buy and Purchase Apple iPad 2 at Duty-Free Shop Store in inCheon Airport, South Korea, Serving the Capital of Seoul 

When is the NEW iPad 3 Release and Launch Date, even its LTE Version, Which Model and Where to Buy in the Capital of Seoul and the Port City of Busan or Pusan in South Korea 




( February 3rd 2012 Update ) The Wall or The Price of iPad 1 and 2 Keep Tumbling Down Counting-Down to the Release of iPad 3

I would rather not edit the whole of Used iPad 2 Price above in South Korea
unless the whole block is changing substantially, and unlikely so, because it is incredibly low as it with especially the higher models dropping to almost HALF its original Apple retail price which started 10 Month ago – unprecedented for a popular electronics product .

.. meaning, the new iPad 3 will now be a good double the current used iPad 2 going rate ! Ouch that hurt // because the Wild Card at play currently suggest the new iPad 3 will cost roughly $70~80 more than the iPad 2 retail price listed way~ above 0o0

now a few days after this initial Post the price is dropping a few 10,000 Wons as more users lay out their sacred device in anticipation for iPad 3 .

[Q] OK this seem like a sweet time to buy an old iPad 2 or even the original iPad 1 . now WHERE can I buy them ? I mean instead of merely exchanging between expatriates considering the massive Korean population ..
[A] South Korea now has a used electronics sales culture rooted into modern living only aside from the very old . but as most are contained inside Korean portal sites (thus most NOT openly searchable by international search engines such as Google) so you will need help of a local friend :

  • there are handful of popular resale communities within Korean web-portals where any member can sell and buy, and some has a point system with seller’s previous selling record viewable,
  • item-specific On-Line communities also have a used post-board where you can view the seller’s previous selling habits,
  • although I always advise to deal electronics especially those with LCD screen panel directly for a clean exchange for both parties, even if you have to travel to the next city,
    a couple of PayPal-like sales-insurance service are available in South Korea including SafeU and Unicro with one advantage being use of your Credit Card,


[Q] Great ! are there any pointers I would be careful for when buying a Used iPad ?

  • for Wi-Fi models : get the serial number BEFORE the deal and input it into an Official Apple website to verify Warranty covered dates,
  • for 3G models : in addition to checking for Apple Warranty above, you should telephone the appropriate cell phone carrier such as KT or SKT and make sure all installments are paid and the device is free of any liability !
[Q] if so, then, which USED iPad 2 should I buy ?
[A] this is a no-brainer for the most expensive 3G 64GB is now affordable but Wi-Fi 64GB and 3G 32GB has the most merit in Bang-for-the-Buck and can virtually re-sell without much sacrifice as the original owner -_- BUT choose one with at least half-a-year’s warranty left ..



( March 8th Update after NEW iPad 3 Release Announcement )
as the NEW iPad (3) took over relative price of standing iPad 2
American Apple lowered $100 on its 16GB models  in Wi-Fi and 3G now limiting sale to ONLY these two models,
while Korean Apple slashed almost 20% off ALL models and keep-on selling .

Korean stores adjusted to barely meet that price (but no merit now for the same price Apple Korea offered immediate Refund for 14 Days)
however used iPad 2 price remain almost the same because it was already low imminent to iPad 3 release announcement which was thought to cost roughly $70 more than preceding iPad 2 :


. . . . . . . . . . March 8th . Korean Stores . . Used . .

Wi-Fi 16GB. . $399. . . . W640,000 . . W500,000 . . W497,000 . . W450,000
Wi-Fi 32GB. .($599) . . . W770,000 . . W620,000 . . W602,000 . . W490,000
Wi-Fi 64GB. .($699) . . . W890,000 . . W740,000 . . W738,000 . . W580,000

. 3G 16GB . . $529. . . . W790,000 . . W650,000 . . W660,000 . . W500,000
. 3G 32GB . .($729) . . . W920,000 . . W770,000 . . W839,000 . . W550,000
. 3G 64GB . .($829) . .W1,039,000 . . W890,000 . . W879,000 . . W630,000

*from Apple Korea On-Line Store 16GB models arrive within 3 days of payment while others 5 days in South Korea

if you are are ready to sell your Used iPad 2 : W20,000 ~ 30,000 below above Used price will sell immediately 😉 where-as a single dent on the exterior will take a good 30% further off your sale price -_-


[Q] OK the price and hardware specifications of the NEW iPad third generation is out . considering that, shall I still buy a Used iPad 2, considering the higher models are selling at half its original retail price ?
[A] Yes, if all you expect to do is read eBooks and surf the internet . only to consider the NEW iPad third generation if must render it through hard-core business applications or extensive movie watching BUT absolutely if you want to experience the latest heavy games .



( March 8th Evening Update ) Korea Tech BLog Proclaims USED iPad 2 Wild Card Week in South Korea

you play Poker ? different from aside from pure LUCK playing against a (slot) machine, you are prone to read what the /other/ player has and is thinking .. in this case : the eventual Seller of your USED iPad 2 to come your way .

as of March 8th Thursday 2012 all information concerning hardware specifications and sales in out and known .. except for South Korea .
the Korean price is guessable from past examples but WHEN it will be available and whether it will be conformed to Korean LTE frequencies is not .

also unknown is whether Apple Korea On-Line Store which today slashed almost 20% off all current iPad 2 models, will keep on selling at this price once the NEW iPad 3 is released .

hence a psychological guessing of push-and-pull is on the table until all details on the eventual Korean sale materializes .


( Translation for the Laymen ) what this means is that : as a Buyer, you are buying a Used device so look for the best DEAL ! at-the-moment, instead of  fixating your target at a specific model, because as you can tell from my price charts above : there really is not much difference AND prices over-lap between different Wi-Fi and 3G and even 16GB / 32GB / 64GB at certain hours or days 0o0 

.. and if you still need an ultimate goal : 32GB or 64GB in 3G with a Logitech BlueTooth KeyBoard – doubling as flip case – AT the above mentioned Used price 😉 mmm ~ (hey we’re not done yet) WITH Warranty left until next Christmas



( March 13th Tuesday Update ) on iPad 2 Prices in South Korea
regulars stores’ new iPad 2 prices have finally come down to under Korean Apple On-Line Store’s discounted prices :

. . . . . . . . . . March 8th . Korean Stores . . Used . .

Wi-Fi 16GB. . $499. . . . W640,000 . . W500,000 . . W466,000 . . W450,000
Wi-Fi 32GB. .($599) . . . W770,000 . . W620,000 . . W582,000 . . W490,000
Wi-Fi 64GB. .($699) . . . W890,000 . . W740,000 . . W709,000 . . W580,000

. 3G 16GB . .($629) . . . W790,000 . . W650,000 . . W660,000 . . W500,000
. 3G 32GB . .($729) . . . W920,000 . . W770,000 . . W739,000 . . W550,000
. 3G 64GB . .($829) . .W1,039,000 . . W890,000 . . W839,000 . . W630,000

all-the-while there seems to be a lot of anxious Used iPad 2 Buyers dug-in for a deal
for even a couple of W10,000 below above Used price would be snatched away ~



( March 21st Wednesday Update ) iPad 2 Sale at eMart 😉

it is a weird, contradicting time for mobile Apple users like winds blowing every which way randomly in a doldrum, for as South Korea was not on the initial NEW iPad third generation introduction country : short-tempered (no, we don’t call this Early) adaptors are ordering from abroad mostly State-side, Japan and Hong Kong, while others are snatching-up used iPad 1 and 2 and some taking advantage of lowered sales of iPad 2 on the Official Korean Apple On-Line Store as well as larger outlets both On and Off-Line .

casual Korea Tech BLog readers know that I always recommend foreign expatriates buy electronics – especially those with LCD screens – at the nearest Super-Mart because of its price as well as dependable customer AND product support there-after because they are run by larger conglomerates atune to international consumer protocol, even though they rarely carry latest models NOR even a wide variety to choose from .

eMart Mall On-Line Mall run by Korean department store conglomerate ShinSeGae (meaning New World .. good !) is selling Apple’s iPad 2 Wi-Fi black 32GB at W598,000 and 64GB for W740,000 for two days today and tomorrow .

*better-yet : they are offering further discount-on-billing for two credit cards, ofcourse those with billing address within South Korea .

  1. 5% on KB Kukmin Card,
  2. 10% on SamSung Card (this may be gone),

Discount-on-Billing is a popular – and welcome – sales catch lasting for a few days, where the amount is discounted NOT at the time of purchase BUT when you get your monthly BILL .

do your math and this is the lowest price to-date on the Korean Penninsula 😉
delivered the next day if ordered before 3pm.



( March 27th Tuesday 2012 Update ) Used iPad 2 vs. NEW iPad third generation ! shall I Buy .. Sell ? Bahhh ~

geez ~ choosing an iPad more-over even what-ever Tabs and any mobile-device is one of the joyful moments in modern life, and I will happily take a slice of that from you if you indeed want advice . but really, you already know deep down inside you what you want .. just need someone to console you, yes ?

OK now there are sufficient reviews States-side and specification difference between the late and new models and South Korean release soon, so here will advise choosing between the two in relation to price and availability in South Korea .

  • SELL your iPad 2 if it has less than 2 Months Warranty left,
    *point being : any device with LCD, more-so portable should have full free Warranty, period and the good thing is that because some students are desperate for money : even your iPad will sell for a few more W10,000 less even if it is past Warranty !
  • if you have more than 6 Months Warranty left : DON’T sell your iPad 2 to buy a NEW iPad third generation,
    *point being : in general use the upgrade – read below and my NEW iPad Post – won’t be worth your money especially if you have to sell your expensively-bought 3G models – really .
    Wi-Fi 16GB models won’t matter much due to much less price differences and you can go either way, but you will eventually need more than 32GB for decent use – even in the iCloud era .
  • if you don’t have any pads yet : join the human race circa Post-Millennium, and buy a NEW iPad third generation White Wi-Fi 32GB,
    *point being : Oh-My-God you are so Lucky ~
  • if you need 3G connection : USED iPad 2 White 3G 64GB can be had for almost W600,000 !!! – incredible .. used price is almost HALF the original purchased price gulp – but should have at least 6 Months Warranty left .. this is a no-brainer if you come upon a Seller who bought it over the Winter (Yesss Santa !)
  • no, no, we don’t talk about SamSung Galaxy Tabs here duh
    if you have to ask why : because it is in /another/ galaxy

( above advice effective THIS Week only, for things will change imminent to NEW iPad third generation release into South Korea )



( April 15th Sunday Update ) not much has changed in USED iPad 2 price from March 13th Update above except :

  • we now know the NEW iPad 3 will be released into South Korea next WeekEnd April 20th or the next,
  • independent stores are selling displayed (i.e., opened but new, thus might have some scratches) iPad 2 3G models for price in-between used-and-store prices noted above on March 13th Update,
    still buying clean used 3G would be much wiser especially if you can get one that has ample product support left 😉
  • some of those enthusiasts who rushed to get the NEW iPad 3 or presented from abroad is already selling for around-or-a-tad-less price than expected Retail price,



( July 14th 2012 ) iPad 2 and NEW iPad Third Generation NEW and Used Prices
of actually sold records the past Week, directly between seller-and-buyer (grey numbers are unsold and provisional)

this periodical round-up is from many sources and can be considered as current “going rate” in South Korea, and this BLog does not advise point-of-purchase or exchange for reasons specified on our introductory [About] Page above .

  • ‘Korean Stores’ are mostly On-Line Shopping Malls with rock-bottom discounts
    – cheaper than Duty-Free Shops at Airports as well as larger department stores, so your variety of telecommunications branches around the corner will cost more,
  • ‘Samples’ are models displayed at a store, with no carrier-subscription record some have minor scratches
  • ‘UnOpened’ are sealed merchandise re-sold by consumer, often handed as company distribution
  • ‘Used’ devices priced here : are like-new with no external scratches, and come with basic accessories like LCD screen protector and dedicated case

iPad 2 . . . . . Korean Stores . Samples . . . Used . .

Wi-Fi 16GB. . $399. . . . W500,000. . W450,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . W370,000
Wi-Fi 32GB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W665,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . W400,000
Wi-Fi 64GB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W820,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . W420,000
. 3G 16GB. . . $529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . W690,000 . . W570,000 . . W400,000
. 3G 32GB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W750,000 . . W615,000 . . W450,000
. 3G 64GB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W800,000 . . W730,000 . . W500,000

iPad 3 . . . . Korean Stores. UnOpened . . . Used . .

Wi-Fi 16GB. . $499. . . . W620,000 . . W558,000 . . W520,000 . . W510,000
Wi-Fi 32GB. . $599. . . . W740,000 . . W659,000 . . W640,000 . . W580,000
Wi-Fi 64GB. . $699. . . . W860,000 . . W773,000 . . W730,000 . . W600,000
. 3G 16GB. . . $629. . . . W770,000 . . W778,000 . . W000,000 . . W700,000
. 3G 32GB. . . $729. . . . W890,000 . . W898,000 . . W000,000 . . W750,000
. 3G 64GB. . . $829. . .W1,010,000 .W1,018,000 . . W000,000 . . W850,000

USED iPad 1 Wi-Fi 16GB W180,000 / 32GB W200,000 / 64GB W250,000
USED iPad 1 . 3G . 16GB W220,000 / 32GB W200,000 / 64GB W250,000

  • USED iPad 1 price is much dependent on accessories included (for the older the device, the owner would have amassed more than the latest NEW iPad 3)
  • while almost half selling are refurbished ones exchanged from Apple Korea in place of repair, some still have warranty remaining from extension
  • again, all price listed here – even the now-old iPad 1 – are like-new exterior-wise, so those with dents go considerably cheaper

yes, a couple of slots don’t make sense but this is how it has been the past Week . remember : purchasing at the Official Korean Apple On-Line Store has a great merit of being able to return within a Month for what-ever reason, especially those sensitive to dead-pixels and light leakage .

above rate will be around the same until the Mini-iPad is introduced – i.e., actual sale date, because South Korea has long-been the late distribution point and people do not rely on sale announcement alone .


[ Device and Trader TREND ] a Decade Post-Millennium

buyers of used iPads tend to be younger males NOT in central metropolis Seoul, so you might have to travel to an agreeable mid-way point, usually a subway/train hub .

Dead Pixels and Light Leakage : although much sensitive at a handful of Apple user forums called cafes or communities in Millennium South Korea, this is seldom mentioned on general exchange and re-sale .

Scratches and Dents : as you will notice from well-washed automobiles on the road (aside from trucks where drivers keep in top-gloss in neighboring Japan and the States) post-modern Koreans are very sensitive to this alike with LCD  LED monitors, and will be a decisive factor in reducing price .



memorable End of April 2011, in the heart of downtown Seoul right next to the American Embassy at Olleh Plaza – the main showroom for KT Telecommunication :
the lucky first-100 buyers of iPad 2 watched a mellow event right after being handed the prize of a Century .. I could hear the hearts pounding amongst the soft-shifting sand