Korea’s obsessive ritual to protect mobile devices dates from early digital cameras, when bad or dead pixels were common place . and scratches or dents […]
Tag: ipad
iPhone 5 iPad Mini Retina Display LCD Screen Protector Film by Tesla 102
as you would have noticed from rather formal city wear and clean private automobiles in metropolitan Seoul, modern Koreans are specky neat about outer looks for appearance […]
iPad 4 Retina Display and iPad Mini
mirror, mirror on the wall : Which is the most successful tablet of them all ? tried to ask Apple as they compared the innovative […]
Cool Hard iPad Cases G-Form F3 Sport
just when you were pondering how to protect your now-sacred iPad on the hazzardous trek this Summer, because all plans, local info and maps are stored […]
Best WiBro Egg Combination for NEW iPad 3 Spring 2012
as we were selling off our Original iPad and iPad 2 to dig-in for the NEW iPad 3, we had to endure the pain of how […]
Korea Tech BLog Officially Names April 2011 Tablet Month of the Modern Era on Earth Post Millennium
or, Yoda might say “Begun, The Clone War Has ..” in a Penninsula Far, Far Away
iPad 2 Release Date Seoul Busan Korea
as Apple iPad 2 was released in the States while the largest recorded post-1900 EarthQuake accompanied by 4-story high tsunami struck North-Eastern Japan around Sendai, […]