EFM ipTime A2004NS Plus 5dBi Antenna

[Y]ou recognize it just by glancing over all the wireless router sold around South Korea with competition within the country as well as China, and I felt it on a warranty support visit onto their headquarters in the satellite city of BunDang . the unconditional eagerness of their support staff which was one of their catalyst in dominating the domestic market – is some-what gone . add to this they now face price competition from n0-name brands in Korea and neighboring China alike, then on their most expensive models : no-contest as much more powerful models are offered from again neighboring Taiwan but ofcourse doubling the price though – where high-end users still opt for .

so now ipTime is saturating the market with more models, and in this case by merely adding a slightly powerful antenna ~ so notice the difference in thickness below :
the original A2004NS Left was introduced last April 2013 and remained their top-of-the-line model until now just when A3004NS is introduced, and on another tentacle : the former’s brothren in Plus . both A2004NS and Plus currently sell for W64,000 at larger On-Line discount outlets .


– so many wireless routers and which to choose, Korea Tech BLog –

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