iPhone LCD Screen Protector Cover QVic Korea GlassPop HS Chemical Hypola Aps PonTree Healing Shield

earlier plastic protector film sheets were from Korea 3M and AGF PureMate (defunct 15.12), mostly to cover laptops or notebooks and digital camera LCD viewing screens . there-after SpiGen SGP joined in popularity with thick wrap-around sheets to cover all sides of earlier bar-type and sliding cell-phones . then they made durable film sheets as full-screen smart-phones came to dominate and Tesla and Co (defunct 15.12) rose to stardom just last year . all of the fore-mentioned also offer stick-on applying service for FREE, and even considerable discount on second sheets should you make a mess on first trial -_-

here, I would like to introduce the under-dogs . slightly cheaper alternatives, each with specialized accent to the current Korean LCD screen protection film sheet cover market . they are about 75% to half price of their larger competitors above, and futile to mention price here, for they give considerable discount to mobile user-groups who purchase in bulk . they can be largely divided into bullet-proof glass-type and plastic sheets .

pro’s of glass-types is that it is incredibly hard BUT is almost as hard to take off later – even CAUTION : break ! AND you should make sure NO dust is in between when applying . the pro’s of plastic film sheets is that you can remove each speckle of dust simply with another adhesive tape one-by-one, while holding the film up for a while . BOTH types today will naturally extrude air bubbles formed within, in a few hours to days – ever amazed, witnessing plastics and glass that breathe, alike small pots for succulent plants, which need to more than others .


QVicKorea (defunct 15.12) GlassPop Glass Diamond (hard glass-type) only for front-screen

is the hardest in this Post, from Korean manufacturer of Chemical Tempered Glass for mobile devices, located in the Southern satellite city of Suwon .


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HS Chemical (defunct 15.12) Hypola-Aps (reinforced translucent acrylic sheet) polymetal methacrylate (hard-glass sheet type)
is a joy to coordinate, with either transparent, yellow, pink-orange and green side-colors
AND front or back side sold separately or as a front-and-back set package .

from local manufacturer of thin color glass sheets, with factory located towards the De-Militarized Zone in Paju, where the latest OutLet Malls have gathered a Decade Post-Millennium .

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PonTree Healing Shield AFP Oleophobic (plastic sheet type) comes with TWO front sheet and ONE back sheet .

selling all sorts of mobile accessories including LCD screen protector cover films, digital cable connectors, laptop keyboard skins and carry bags, with Off-Line brick-and-motor stores in YeongDeungPo and SinGil .

head-quartered in the old factory neighborhood of YeongDeungPo, West of downtown of the Capital .

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( for Reference ) products contents checked for iPhone 5 with group-buy discount price, thus general stores would cost roughly 50% more to double

  • 3M MSP Screen Protective Film : Lite package contains a single film, while Normal package has TWO films W6300 plus W2500 Shipping
  • QVic Korea GlassPop Glass Diamond : contains a single glass sheet W22,400 plus W2500 Shipping
  • HS Chemical Hypola-Aps polymetal methacrylate : front W9400 / back W10,200 / front and back set W19,100 plus Shipping W2500
  • PonTree Healing Shield AFP Oleophobic W10,400 plus Shipping W2500 includes TWO front and ONE back with a mini-stand


– Korea Tech BLog, ever-intrigued at breathing plastics and glass –

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