iPhone 5 Gold Swarovski Home Button Sticker

Korea’s obsessive ritual to protect mobile devices dates from early digital cameras, when bad or dead pixels were common place . and scratches or dents on used device will lower your iPhone a good W50,000 when selling to a user directly and a whopping W100,000 on current KT or SKT buy-in programs . the Home button is no exception to further protect, as it is the most used on an iPhone . but the real challenge comes in selecting, for there are so many, more-over cheap ones thus differing in parts of the Globe . a simple criteria can be set, just like in choosing among the more expensive (level of Samsonite and Delsey) Swiss recycled Freitag bags : to envision your favourite and especially appropriate theme for such material . for me it was Class – to heighten the device’s integrity with gold and crystal .. inspired by


Left is Pink and Right Multi-Color AURORA, using original Swarovski crystals from Austria cost around W7,000 at larger On-Line discount outlets .
then 24K Gold Plate below aproximately W5,000

DSC00585lev480MonPAT-iPhone-5-Gold-Home-Button-Sticker DSC00583lev480MonPAT-iPhone-5-Gold-Home-Button-Sticker

[ iPhone Home Button FAQ ]

  • How can I tell whether the Swarovski crystals are authentic, really from Austria ?
    No, you cannot individually, but to go on reputation alone – ironically which small makers of such again small products rarely have . you can however, check if their box contains notice of authenticity, and verify by verifying with Austria if they have such contract with the company .
  • How much is the Gold actually worth in Gold-Plated buttons ?
    the term “Gold Plated” is more of prestige, and you can rarely resell for its Gold value alone .
  • Where can I buy these Home Button stickers ?
    ample available On-Line as well as cell phone and accessory stores throughout South Korea . chains of stores selling girl-stuff like cute memo pads, jewelry cases and dolls are called “fancy shop” pronounced alike in Korean, but this BLog do NOT advise points-of-purchase due to several reasons ..
  • Do you have any advice on how to choose among the many Home Button stickers ?
    this is a much fun part of owning a electronic devices, so the choice is yours but I always doubt making such expensive device look cheap by adding comic accessories, although Hello Kitty my be stuck with sheer fan-adoration .


[ REVIEW ] it is futile to mention Brand for there are so many, and here will go mostly with the models shown on photos above, in comparison with most common ones even more cheaper than this at W2~3,000 or even FREE, coming with other smart-phone accessories .

  • main characteristic of cheaper stickers, is that because it basically is a silicone mold stuck on top of another round sticker : you have to stick it right the first time onto the HOME button, or else the top will peal off if you try to re-locate it . the best way to lay one on is with a set of sharp, thin tweezers – like that used to take small bugs off plants .
  • the Gold sticker adds masculine, noble class onto your HOME button . great for business where you don’t want to be caught with a cute Hello Kitty 😉
  • among the Swarovski stickers mentioned here, there are also Silver, which looked quite plain, and Gold which looked like /cheap/ Gold, colored towards copper .
  • Pink Swarovski in the above photos : does not reflect colors like diamond and looks like mere glass-pink .
  • so among all the choices, the shallow multi-color differentiated as “Aurora” would be best apt as true Swarovski, as it glitters miniscule reflection of pale rainbow colors . I have seem several similar models sold at DongDaeMun apparel whole-sale market locally, as well as eBay sellers mostly from China and Hong Kong for about USD 10.00 including world-wide shipping, and although they all advertise to use REAL Swarovski crystals .. many resemble cheap studs on evening dresses than Austrian crystals, where-as this looks real close . I guess the main difference, is that some cuts are sharp-angles, while others are more circular, as if God dropped a few tiny mold liquid, which is this case – mighty hard for a bubble to resemble crystal .
  • although many Swarovski wanna-be’s may look alike, the best thing going for this model is the packaging, perfect as a meaningful gift, as it mentions on their sales page in Korean .



– Korea Tech BLog, pondering which button sticker to choose next –

One thought on “iPhone 5 Gold Swarovski Home Button Sticker

  1. hi! im nessecite the button dsc00577lev480monpat-iphone-gold-home-button-sticker, swarovski. tex me instruction for me order thanks

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