Spigen Apple Watch Film Cover Case

Spigen like that of affordable Chinese and Korean camera lens filter-manufacturers, has a mis-leading exotic European aura in fact is a South Korean start-up formed merely six years ago making mostly smart-phone and tablet covers, casings and some LCD protective films . its sales are quite aggressive in that it is widely available Globally, and is one of the few who had full accessories line available for Apple Watch immediately following its release in the States . but their LCD protective film leaves much to be improved – intended for minor scratches at best, unlike armour-strong films from competing Pontree, also South Korean .
애플워치액정보호필름 울트라크리스탈 12,900c600  apple_watch_steinheil_ultra_crystal&flex_installc800x491BookOSi
their Ultra Crystal Film, Left is filmsy and is too large thus extrudes Apple Watche’s flat-front portion allowing ugly dirt to accumulate on corners . while Steinheil Flex, Right is supposed to wrap around the curving front panel .. both W12,900
애플워치액정보호필름 슈타인하일 플렉스 12,900c600 apple_watch_thin_fit_detail03c800 apple_watch_thin_fit_detail04c600
with a handful of front cover-covering cases : its Thin-Fit model is the most basic and faithful to Apple Watch’s original silhouette without distorting its sleek exterior form . comes in varieties of either White, Silver, Gold or Black and simply snaps-in from the front panel . W13,900


– The Original Mobile Accessory Mania, Korea Tech BLog –

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