Smallest Tiny Compact Egg KWF-2700 Portable Wi-Fi Review and Speed Test
June 1st, 2012 10:33 PM | by koreatech | WireLess.
This is the continuing saga of Chicken-Man and its quest to bear incredible (i.e., smaller but stronger, far-reaching signals with longer battery life) Eggs like no chicken has laid before ..
yes every IT company wants to pack their product up ...Read More
Best WiBro Egg Combination for NEW iPad 3 Spring 2012
May 14th, 2012 03:12 AM | by koreatech | WireLess.
as we were selling off our Original iPad and iPad 2 to dig-in for the NEW iPad 3, we had to endure the pain of how used 3G models sold at near-Wi-Fi prices . so more will be opting for the ...Read More
KT Telecommunications Cell Carrier New Data Transfer Subcription Rate Plan for Egg WireLess WiBro Devices
April 1st, 2012 12:00 PM | by koreatech | WireLess.
don't get intimidated for it's not April's Fool, but just wanted to show you what you should check at least once a year, as telecommunications bill is a biggie in Post-Millennium Korean Life . all in Korean just as the ...Read More
Original Egg KWI-B2200 Egg3 interBro KWI-B2400 Strong Egg KWD-B2600 Compare
June 3rd, 2011 12:00 PM | by koreatech | WireLess.
from Left : the Original 'Egg' KWI-B2200, and having missed-out on the next 'Egg 2'
this year's 'Egg 3' interBro KWI-B2400 which came barely in time for Apple iPad 2 launch into South Korea,
then the almighty Strong 'Egg' KWD-B2600 with the longest battery life
- but wait - ...Read More
WireLess WiBro Egg3 interBro KWI-2400 for KT Show
April 17th, 2011 01:52 PM | by koreatech | WireLess.
just when you thought discounts abound on Egg2 in time for influx of the second generation of iPad AND their wanna-be 'Tabs ..
no it was the upcoming Egg3 that did it ~
just released this week thus NOT many vendors have it yet ...Read More
Second Generation of WiBro Wi-Fi Modacom KWD-B2300 LG innotek LKT-WR1000 interBro Egg2 compare difference
November 13th, 2010 08:23 PM | by koreatech | WireLess.
( March 2011 Update : egg3's coming in April !!! )
I have introduced the first WiBro Wi-Fi in the World last year in interBro's KWI-B2200 promoted as simply Egg . allowing technology officially developed by KT AND interBro for 3 years, it allowed THREE ...Read More
Portable Mobile WireLess Router KWD-B2300 known as egg 2 for KT WiBro
June 24th, 2010 03:49 PM | by koreatech | WireLess.
afar from the elusive iPad, as iPhone 4 is on Korea's horizon, the second generation of portable mobile router allows wireless WiFi connection from cell-phone-based WiBro .Read More
KT WiBro portable wireless Wi-Fi router KWI-B2200 Egg speed test review
April 30th, 2009 12:00 PM | by koreatech | WireLess.
KT WiBro portable wireless router "Egg" KWI-B2200 enables you internet phone, iPod Touch and portable game machines to connect to the internet .Read More
NetWork Router Modem and Egg Wi-Fi WiBro Device Light Color Signals Red Yellow Green
April 30th, 2009 12:00 PM | by koreatech | WireLess.
all sorts of pocket connection devices as well as network modems for office and home do come with manuals but they are often in detail and you seldom can find them when you need
so a few universal meaning for the color ...Read More
outdoor WireLess Internet in Korea
February 25th, 2009 06:57 PM | by koreatech | LapTop.
various types of wireless Internet available in Korea including HSDPA such as KTF i-Plug and SKT T-Login and broadband connections like KT WiBro and SK WiBro .Read More