just in time for the landing of iPhone 4 onto South Korea ..
over a year after the World’s firsts portable mobile WireLess Router KWI-B2200 known as egg,
egg 2 is now introduced from June 6th 2010 with basic improvements in : (compare)
KWI-B2200 “egg”
- maximum 3 users at the same time
- 4 hours battery use
- size & weight 110 x 61.8 x 28.3mm, 150g
- oval egg design
KWD-B2300 “egg 2”
- wireless coverage increased two times
- maximum 7 people can use simultaniously
- removeable battery while lasting almost the same time
- size & weight 106 x 62 x 14.8mm, 120g
- shaped rectangle this time resembling an exterior 2.5″ Hard Disk drive
the new price is almost the same as the older model :
actually FREE hardware as long as you subscribe ONE year to KT telecommunications for
1GB monthly allowance costing W10,000 per month (other prices for 30GB and 50GB per month available)
plus a 14day free usage period while the hardware itself lists as W130,000 price tag .
[ Specifications for KWD-B2300 “egg 2” ]
– WiBro –
Standard : IEEE802.16e
Frequency Range : 2335~2355MHz
Channel Bandwidth : 8.75/ 10MHz
Access/Duplex : OFDMA/TDD
Maximum Tx Power : 23dBm @ Antenna Port
DL Modulation : QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM
UL Modulation : QPSK, 16QAM
Max Throughput (DL / UL) 30Mbps / 6 Mbps
– Wi-Fi –
Standard : IEEE802.11b/g/n
Frequency : 2.412~2.497Ghz
Channels : 1~13
Channel Bandwidth : 802.11b/g : 20MHz, 802.11n : 20/40MHz
RF Paths : 1 x RX / 1 x TX (1T1R)
Modulation : 80211b/DSSS (CCK, DQPSK, DBPSK)
. . . . . . . . . 802.11g/OFDM (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK, BPSK)
. . . . . . . . . 802.11n/OFDM (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK, BPSK)
Rx. Sensitivity : 802.11b : 11Mbps@-84dBm
. . . . . . . .. . . 802.11g : 54Mbps@-71dBm
. . . . . . . . . . .802.11n : 150Mbps@-65dBm
Data Rate : 11b : 11/5.5/2/1 Mbps
. . . . . . . . 11g : 54Mbps (54/48/36/24/18/12/9/6)
. . . . . . . . 11n : up to 150Mbps (MCS 0 ~ 7)
Security : WEP (64/128K), WPA, WPA2 / MAC filtering
– S/W Software Specification –
Protocol : NAT / DHCP / HTTP / DNS / NTP
information : Current WiBro/WiFi/Internet Usage info.
WiBro : UICC PIN Lock/Unlock/Modify.
WiFi : SSID Configuration, WiFi Security (WEP,WPA/WPA2) Configuration
FireWall : Port Forwarding, MAC/IP/Port Filtering, DMZ Control, URL Filtering
Security : VPN Pass Through (PPTP)
Diagnostics : Memory Usage, WiBro/WiFi/UICC Traffic Statistic info.
Management : Version info, Password Change, Web-based/OTA-Based Firmware Update (Local, Remote), Factory Default Reset, System Reset, Windows Family Speed-Up Patch.
[ KT WiBro Service Areas in South Korea ]
the fastest AND the most advance mobile connection is still limited to vicinity of metopolitan Seoul, meaning all the satellite cities surrounding the Capital and a bulk of neighboring cities : (my own spelling based on real pronounciation)
incheon, SooWon, GoYang, SungNam, YongIn, AnYang, GwaCheon, KwangMyung, GooRi, KoonPo, BooCheon, EuiWang, EuiJongBoo, ShiHeung, HaNam, and portions of : HwaSung, GimPo and NamYangJoo .
( all the colored areas in the map below )
also central portion of Seoul subway between Lines 1 through 8,
AND metro Lines of Incheon, BoonDang, JoongAng(Central), GongHang(Airport), ilSan, GwaCheon and railway between Sema and YangJoo .
plus major highways surrounding the Capital of Seoul .
also as a promotion for new subscribers, you will have free access to Korea’s own Nespot Zone which are paid WireLess internet WiFi HotSpots around metropolis Seoul – roughly the same area mentioned above for WiBro . for the laymen : the difference here is that you WON’T need the wireless router and can simply search for Nespot WiFi from your notebook, laptop, NetBook or iPhone 😉
last April’s introduction and speed test of former model KWI-B2200 known as egg for KT WiBro :
– Korea Tech BLog, June 2010 –
WireLess BiBro “Egg3″ interBro KWI-2400 for KT Show
– 17th April 2011 –
Second Generation of WiBro Wi-Fi called “egg2″ in ModaCom KWD-B2300 and LG innotek LKT-WR1000 in South Korea
– 13th November 2010 –
KT WiBro Portable WireLess Router “Egg” KWI-B2200 Review and Speed Test
– 30th April 2009 –
I already have the 1st Gen egg and heard they were going to have Busan/Daegu up and running by November? I don’t any reason to upgrade as the Wifi speed doesnt matter since the throughput of the device is less than 2Meg…
yes the first generation egg introduced last year is still much faster than 3G
and a nice oval shape for handy comfort . the new ones come in 4 flavours
– some are NOT out yet – and a bit thinner in outer design .
Hi, KoreaTech!
I’ve just got the new EGG (KWD-B2300) in Ulsan. Unfortunately the user manual is only in Korean and the KT guy which brought me the device did not speak enough English to warn me that I have to set the password to protect against other users exhausting my bandwith.
So – do you know if there is somewhere a User Manual in English? Or – if not – could you be so kind and give me an advice about how to set the password so that the only user of the EGG would be me?
Thanks and best regards 🙂
may I suggest you look through a couple of downloadable manuals from popular makers available in the States and compare it to your Korean manual at hand ?
once you get setting a few routers usually other makers are self-explanatory .
Two options:
Find a korean friend to translate
Use google chrome with the translate option turned on…
If you are going to be in Korea for a while you might as well try to learn it. Your id and password are CASE sensitive. Take a laptop to the shop where you bought it and I am sure you can work it out. Last I checked wibro was wpa2 encrypted….
John B
hi! I am planning to get one, the new one, is it possible to have a good signal here in yesan-gun, chungcheongnam-do? is the wibro service available here?please reply..thanks!
1.know : South Korea’s foremost carrier SKT concentrates WiBro coverage ONLY in the most concentrated metropolis,
2.while KT – the merger of local telephone company KT and latter carrier KTF – rose onto Korean stardom with the influx of iPhone and Wi-Fi for the iPad, thus promotes themselves as the country-wide WiBro provider, but still unreacheable to the most barren villages .
3.from what I can devise now : it won’t work aside from traffic areas such as bus terminals and college campus, but might look into it if you can narrow the perimeter – such as “eup” address or near which school you teach, for this still is a large area .
in any case you should call KT customer service and get confirmation this will work in your address and note the answering clerk’s name – to refund in case it doesn’t
meaning : you won’t be able to purchase from some of the most extensive discounts in group buys or On-Line Malls, but from Official KT Branches only .
still you are in a suburban in-land surounded by local beaches to appreciate the kind of Korea that used to be .. and if my memory is correct there should be a flight or parachute school not far-out probably North-East, so plunge-in while you are there !)
help me with default username and password to the configuration page of wibro kwd-b2300.
HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEARS and this is common to WiBro mobile routers made by ModaCom including
– since ensuing “Eggs” are manufactured/sold by a trio of different companies –
“Slim Egg” KWD-B2300 export model URoad-7000,
“Strong Egg” KWD-B2600 export model URoad-8000,
“Strong Egg 2” KWD-B2800,
“Super Slim/Strong Egg 3” KWD-B3100 export model URoad-Aero,
[A] Access to SetUp configuration within device :
1.Web browser address
2.UserName = user
3.PassWord = 0000
[B] Device ID and PassWord for access to actually CONNECT to the device
is printed in the sticker back-side of the device,
so if it came off somehow : you have to take it to their Support Centre .
is this devise support 3G OR 4G ? HELP ME TO KNOW THIS
Can this egg wifi bring it to the philippiness ? Or is it able to change the sim card and register to the smart or globe