introducing the affordable Apple Watch Aluminum Space-Grey Casing with Black Sports Band, which offers The Best Bang-for-the-Buck thus quite popuplar and hard to get :
D-3 to the awaited Official release of Apple Watch onto the Korean Peninsula . considering a relatively low dispersment here, although ratio of content is highest compared to local LG or SamSung Electronics : popularity is to be seen although some advertisement have been showing on TV two Weeks to its release date . Official retail price is not known yet and may not be simple currency conversion, but can deduct from previous Apple products sold in the States and how much their Official Korean prices came to be . this method may have indescrepencies, so Official Japanese Retail Price including Tax for reference – which converts to a bargain from the low Yen exchange :
- Sports 38mm $349 (iPad Mini 2 32GB Wi-Fi W420,000) Y46,224
- Sports 42mm $399 (iPad Air 16GB Wi-Fi W480,000) Y52,704
- Steel Sports Band 38mm $549 (iPhone 5S 16GB W730,000) Y72,144
- Steel Sports Band 42mm $599 (iPhone 5S 32GB W790,000) Y77,544
- Classic Buckle 38mm $649 (iPhone 6 16GB W850,000) Y84,024
- Classic Buckle 42mm $699 (iPad Air 2 128 Wi-Fi W840,000) Y90,504
- Link Bracelet Silver 38mm $949 (iPhone 6 Plus 128 W1,240,000) Y122,904
- Link Bracelet Silver 42mm $999 (MacBook Air 13″ W1,250,000) Y129,384
- Link Bracelet Black 38mm $1,049 (MacBook Air 11″ W1,331,900) Y136,944
- Link Bracelet Black 42mm $1,099 (MacBook Air 11″ 256GB W1,370,000) Y143,424
( June 25 Thursday D-1 ) No, Official Korean prices are NOT out yet, but clerks will tell you if you inquire in-person on a couple of models // from fans inquiring about stock : 42mm Milanese Loop and Link Bracelet are expect to be excluded from initial sale .
- 15.5.9 When Apple Watch Release South Korea ≫LiNK≪
- 15.6.7 Where Buy Apple Watch Official Shop Store Location MAP ≫LiNK≪
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