Avengers 2 Age Ultron Largest CGV iMAX Starium SCREEN Size

What you always wanted to know about which version of Avengers 2 Age of Ultron movie and the largest screen size to watch in South Korea – the most extensive guide, ever that even the North might be contemplating a Sudden Attack .


You have to ponder on this for there are beaucoup choices in Techno-Korea in Spring 2015 . from past experience I suggest you watch this two times :

  1. first in either iMAX or CGV Starium, but I tilt towards the latter as this movie wasn’t originally shot in iMAX equipment AND the largest Starium is half times wider than the largest iMAX screen throughout the Korean Peninsula ! but note : larger does not mean better though, as details would be sharper on iMAX and a common dilemma viewers confess is that Starium screens are too wide for your eyes to grasp the whole scene all together !?
  2. then 4DX as the Original Avengers seen on 4DX shown on this BLog, was memorable than Universal Studios and Star Trek Experience at Las Vegas Hilton .
    *4DX includes multi-directional sound, wind-blow, water-spray, smell and chair movement .. wait, is that five then ? Oh, they don’t Officially include ‘smell’ but I did sense it ! but without three dimensional effects .



iMAX  》 WoW ! a couple of screens just got larger than on my last review during the Original Avengers movie, so I will group them into four groups instead of measuring each (approximate screen size measurements are of the first & largest theatre in each group, while decimals are rounded-up to full-digits – holding true as of the end of 2014):

  1. 24 x 14 meters at CGV UlSan SamSan and JeonJu HyoJa,
  2. 22 x 13 meters at CGV’s (SEOUL) WangSimNi, CGV ilSan, CGV DaeGu and CGV (BUSAN) SeoMyon;
  3. 19 x 11 meters in CGV (SEOUL) YongSan,
  4. 18 x 10 meters at CGV’s GwangJu, inCheon, ChunCheon, (BUCHEON) SoPoong, Sang-Am, SuWon, DaeJeon and ChangWon The City;

Starium 》 often listed as one of the largest movie screens in the whole wide World !

  1. 32 x 13 meters at CGV (SEOUL) YeongDeungPo,
  2. 27 x 12 meters at CGV (BUSAN) Centum City,



OK, Korea Tech BLog has the most extensive English guide to CGV theatres and its effects, aside from their Official website in Korean, and rightfully so for it lines the leading edge of motion picture viewing experience ! but larger theatres can only be built in out-of-way grounds, so you might have to commute a distance in search of that ecstasy . so the only reason you would want to try other theatre brands is for proximity AND some are brand-new perhaps refurbished from an old local theatre thus specklessly clean – none of that lingering moss-smell on crumbling theatres built in the last Millennium .

just to let you know in case you must compare :

  • CGV theatres have taken-up the largest space and prime real estate property in the most lavish shopping mall complexes, with the most varied cinema experience ..
  • Lotte Cinema comes next snatching-up upper department store floors with some VIP seatings,
  • and MegaBox tend to take over existing older theatres throughout the Korean Peninsula and renovating it up to Post-Modern standards, but are over-all smaller in scale than the above two .


if you still cannot make a choice which version or location to view : Life is about making choices and only You know which is your priority .

  1. if want simply want the cheapest and pizzazz is not important to you, or you want a theatre close to you in proximity : MegaBox should have a branch in town .
  2. and if you want to linger in a lavish environment like a First Class seat on AirBus 380 flight : both CGV and Lotte Cinema have a few comfortable selections for your date .
  3. being in South Korea circa onto the Third Millennium means you have access to some of the latest technology in movie-viewing and you only have to Wonder above in selecting the largest screen possible .. at a price AND some transportation time .
  4. it also means cutting-edge special effects in 3D and 4DX, where you can awe in sight, hear from all directions, feel the wind blown onto you, subtly smell the aroma then get some water sprayed AND feel the Earth move under your seat ! but again Life is NOT perfect so these special-effect theatres tend to be relatively small duh


( April 15 Wednesday Dawn Status ) in addition to the early-started general or normal 2D viewing-type of Starium, Premium, Gold Class, Cine de Chef and Brand Theatres : the Official CGV WebSite is under debug test mode on additional special effects versions in 4DX, iMAX and SoundX ~ so the Heavens will open soon, my human colleagues //




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  • 11.12.18 Which Best Movie Theatre Watch Mission impossible 4 Ghost Protocol iMAX 2D Seoul WangSimNi Busan
    (iMAX film types and screen sizes) ≫LiNK
  • 15.4.24 YeongDeungPo Times Square CGV Starium Avengers Ultron Review ≫LiNK
  • 15.12.12 CGV Lotte Cinema MegaBox Special Effects Theatre Hall Compare ≫LiNK
  • 16.5.2 (Captain America : Civil War) Lotte Cinema CGV iMAX MegaBox Movie Theatre Largest Screen SIZE Compare ≫LiNK



– Korea Tech BLog –

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