Apple Korea On-Line Store One Day Sale Friday January 6 2012 iPod iPad Mac


Apple Korea On-Line Store has announced from today :
a one-day Sale on Friday January 6th 2012 on iPods, iPads and Macs
short of revealing actually what for how much ..

Joyed on finding an Easter Egg preview for 2012 ? Read on~


Apple does NOT have a direct-run Apple Store in South Korea except this On-Line Store
and offered this Korean Black Friday-ish event last year which entailed 7~8% discount on their more expensive devices .

what this does : is bring down the price to the level of independent Korean On-Line Stores
which is already selling the devices at approximately 7% (ofcourse some, lower) of the Official Korean Apple On-Line Store .


but consider any purchase from Apple Korea On-Line Store can be returned for a FULL Refund
– no questions asked – within 2 Weeks .
plus, while popular products immediate to initial release date took a Week or even two to be delivered
all current iPod Touch, iPad and Macs seem ready to be delivered the next day .


thanks to Cable TV Channels which flourished up to the Millennium whose been offering no-questioned-asked exchanges and refunds to their prime viewers – the newly-weds
internet On-Line Shopping Malls took over the same immaculate service from the dawn of the Millennium
but this is on the Channels and Sites operated by one of Korean conglomerates
where as larger On-Line Shopping Malls such as Auction and GMarket has built their own service criteria .

however, due to picky culture brought upon on Korean consumers’ bad or dead pixel sightings on LCD screens on digital camera as well as notebooks or laptops
these exchange and refund habit reduced substantially, now almost to the point of nil
only accepted with verification from the manufacturer’s product support center .

more-over independent on-Line Shopping Malls have slightly lower price-tags than even those run by conglomerates but is more hard on product support .


what this also means is that Apple iPad 3 is on the horizon 😉



another seemingly joyful moment explained by
– Korea Tech BLog, January 2012 –


[ January 6th Update ]

after a “Under Construction” sign imminent to midnight eve, around 30 minutes there-after
Apple Korea On-Line Store went on sale on a variety of device but NOT Apple Care
in sync with Asian sites of Hong Kong and China .

most discounted a rate of more-or-less 8%
while MacBook Airs had a common dicount of W112,000

it isn’t a fanfare among young consumers around the Korean Penninsula
for similar price-range has already been available from independent sellers
and the only merit today will be Apple’s dependable Refund and Exchange policy within 2 Weeks of purchase .

One thought on “Apple Korea On-Line Store One Day Sale Friday January 6 2012 iPod iPad Mac

  1. may i ask if you could able to send a CHARGER for my MAC. And may i know how to pay for it. I’ll wait for your reply. Thank You.

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