iPad 2 Release Date Seoul Busan Korea

as Apple iPad 2 was released in the States while the largest recorded post-1900 EarthQuake accompanied by 4-story high tsunami struck North-Eastern Japan around Sendai, this disaster may effect production AND eventually delay introduction into South Korea .

as a bulk of automotive AND electronic companies in Japan have halted production following the aftermath of Sendai EarthQuake AND Tsunami either the safety reasons as well as employees NOT able to come to work from transportation setbacks arising from subway AND Japanese bullet train Shinkansen delays AND cancellations .

Apple iPad 2 contains 16GB NAND Flash Memories made by Toshiba .

has close their Miyagi AND iwate-ken factories while having to rid of all products on-line, will take some time to operate in full swing .
NOT to mention destruction of railways AND roads needed to transport goods .


prior to Sendai EarthQuake and Tsunami, Apple iPad 2 released March 11th in the States
was Officially announced to be released AND begin selling late April
narrowing a much wider gap it took the original iPad to land on Korean shores last year 2010 .



[ Difference Between iPads bought in US America vs. South Korea]

as in the original Apple iPad 1 the major factor to consider foreign iPad for use in South Korea is

  1. retail price,
  2. tax and customs fee when bringing or shipping it into South Korea,
  3. keyboard language,
  4. whether 3G is usable,
  5. and product support,


in short : almost NO difference except the scratchy area of product support ..

[1] expected Apple iPad 2 Retail Price in South Korea
all is certain ONLY when Official release begins but you can add 10% to Apple Store in the States .

[2] Tax and Customs Fee
will have to pay 10% VAT value added tax without customs fee .
but again, you would normally pass through customs without paying anything if you are bringing it in yourself
while chances are you will get taxed if you ship it in, and chance goes up more as you choose expensive method in express -_-

[3] Keyboard
while back in the first iPad when early users had to bring or ship-in from mostly the States, Japan, Hong Kong and Australia in order of frequency,
a couple of eager individual developers had to come up with Korean characters to disperse on on-Line communities for free ..
now language-wise is the same no-matter where you purchase in the World ..

[4] Shape of Electric Plug tip is different BUT all are multi-current .
South Korea formerly used 110 Volt parallel-two-plugs identical to neighboring Japan AND the States BUT has gradually switched before the Millennium – thus some very old houses may contain these but –
now overly use 220 Volt European-style two-round plugs,
and you can buy those small adaptors at electric stores in neighborhoods, travel corners of department stores AND accessories booths at YongSan Electric Market District .

and while we are on the subject of international boundaries : it is interesting to note the varied, different pricings at Airport Electronics Stores in AND out of Duty-Free Zones around the World .

[5] 3G use
for those who are buying 3G in the States for use in South Korea
you should NOT get Verizon BUT buy AT&T version .
after which you can register at either KT OR SKT with simple documents .

again this is a tad different situation when potential users
had to/ individually/ sign up the original iPad last Summer
for electromagnetic testing with a sign-up fee over W300,000 !

[6] Product Support
again all is certain when Official release begins but one can deduct from circumstances of the original iPad 1 AND words from employees at sales points around South Korea (which would NOT have legal validity should they be wrong)

should be no problem with WiFi Wi-Fi version with Global Warranty
however may be a chance 3G NOT be applicable since the Telecommunications are different .



– March 15th 2011 Korea Tech BLog –


[ March 16th update ]
– for the love-or-Pad’s sake : let’s coin the term of illegal black-market as an ‘independent’ seller here in my BLog –

as I noted last Summer on the sort-of illegal influx of Original iPad 1 into South Korea

where the routes AND prices were pretty much settled (however NOT cheap by any standards)
this year upon early official announcement of Korean release dates, much more closer to US release dates than last year
independent sellers both IN the US AND those bringing-in in bulk for person-by-person sales within South Korea
had gushed up the price, realizing the only ones who would buy would be ultimate die-hard Early-Adopters
for normal consumers had only a month and a half to wait for Official Korean imports intact with dependable product support .

but this all changed suddenly with the already shortage once released in the States
and add to this parts shortage expected from production shut-down as well as transport delays
following the deadly EarthQuake AND Tsunami in Sendai Japan .

reflecting the to-be-sellers having problems getting the machines themselves
(currently the wait period upon order at US Apple Store is 4 Weeks)
independent sellers are decreasing fast on Korean reseller communities AND used product auctions where most of trade were made last year .



[ March 23rd Update ] Good News Folks 😉
so sleek & shiny Apple can keep on schedule, even ahead of – amidst supply routes from Japan effected just like the internet whose foremost intentions were to automatically find a communication route in case exiting lines were compromise in battle .

Apple will start selling iPad 2 March 25th in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech, Denmark, Finland AND France
AND in April : Hong Kong, South Korea AND Singapore .

in South Korea price to expect to start from W600,000 and will be available in TWO telecommunications carriers in SKT AND KTF/KT (merged).

in light of this SamSung Electronics is expected to release their second generation of Galaxy Tab BEFORE iPad 2 lands on Korean shores .


[ March 25th Update ] following Apple’s announcement to release iPad 2 next month in April, KTF/KT Telecommunications has concurred it will start selling all version of its models next month in April . however SKT Telecommunications says is still undecided on an official launch date .


[ March 30th ] although most people would have a chance to purchase a fully-supported AND intended-for-Korean version come next month, die-hard early-adopter wanna-be’s are shipping’em in from all sorts of routes .

international auctions at eBay shows White color version is far more popular, with 16GB adding a $50.or more while 32GB $100+ AND 64GB topping out over $200+ added premium //
(Shipping) add to this more-or-less $50.for Priority Mail international arriving in a week to 10 working business days
OR $80.for Express Mail international rushing in 4~5 days, insured in front of your new high-rise apartment complex ..


[ April Fools Day ] OK how about Apple iPad 2 IS available NOW !!!
jokes aside the reverable iPad 2 has passed Electro-Magnetic Signal Testing in South Korea
so presumably on sale within a month 😉

oops sorry that was for Wi-Fi version only,
but 3G Official Testing usually follows soon after Wi-Fi ..

[ April 4th Tuesday ] OK both Wi-Fi AND 3G versions have passed Electro-Magnetic Signal Testing as of today .



[ April 11th Update ] with Hong Kong just having started Official sales it’s been a long wait folks for Korea and Santa’s on the way
( sing-along : dodging Fukushima radiation all through the way – it is so deadly and lasting it is getting to be funny )

KT Telecommunications branches have been told iPad 2 will be distributed anytime between April 22nd to 29th . actually I’ve put a ball-park date because words differ among branches . with a good D-Day being April 25th . but it is NOT officially announced yet .

so from today you might see signs in Korean on KT branches in populated areas downtown saying they are accepting reservations .
but do NOT . for these small branches get the machines later than the bigger stores – who will eventually start accepting reservations when release date becomes certain .


[ April15th ] A Glimpse of Pleasures to Come 😉
iPad 2 miraculously appeared for a moment on Official Korean Apple Store Site today
only to disappear soon after  – hinting they have uploaded initial information and designated it ‘private’
obviously to be open fully on announcement date .


[ April 16th Saturday ] Probably the LAST WeekEnd before Korean Release of Apple iPad 2
seems an unidentifiable ghost walked into a KT Telecommunications Branch in inCheon today and whispered that
(shhhh ..) KT will start accepting reservation for iPad 2 NEXT week .

.. evidently told from a local clerk who in no-way wants to reveal him/herself NOR the no-no statement //



[ April 17th Monday ] OK Finally, News worthy of this Title :
as Eastern winds carry miniscule radiation particles to loom over the Korean Peninsula
Apple iPad 2 will start taking early reservations from April 23rd
AND start selling April 29th 2011 on BOTH KT AND SKT Telecommunications carriers .




( Korea Tech BLog’s own iPad 2 FAQ Part-I )
– OK then WHERE can I try out the upcoming iPad 2 ? Today !!! without having to wait in line 3 blocks around -_-
heck, if possible along with the original iPad and even Motorola Zoom which will be released around the same time ..


a totally different picture  witnessed by American G.I.’s from oh-those harsh war-torn poor-people days
modern Korean shopping was based on Japanese Department Stores .

then in their own right Post-Seoul Olympic’88 saw American-style malls popping up on major intersections
as the end-of-the-decade was sheer competition between Cable-TV shopping
soon followed by complicated spider-web of on-Line shopping malls .

only there-after, a travellers abroad were woo’ed by the sheer cubic Wonder of Apple Stores
Post-Millennium South Korea saw a continuum of Apple Store wanna-be’s in the form of Frisbee, A# and Lots, etc.,

a Wonder of gadget stores who are open virtually throughout the year, perhaps only closing on Korea’s most holidays of holidays in ThanksGiving AND Lunar New Years (meaning open on New Years !)
great place to go after a date to see all the nice gadgets in a /clean/ atmosphere
– still better prices are /always/ on-Line even in South Korea –
but most of the outlets are smack in the middle of the most concentrated shopping areas or complexes
that you only have a few minutes to try out the latest machines
where areas frequented by loving couples spend more time each trying out .


but now-and-then comes an aspiring store – mis-planned in an area perhaps just across a major street that to-be consumers usually the young just don’t come-by, OR in some areas where the neighborhood is much vacant in the early hours for shopping .

one such place is smack in the middle of old downtown Seoul in Jong-Ro, as I am sure some of you teach there
full of smaller institutions with cram-courses for Korean high school graduates who have fail the initial college entrance exam and studying to try the next year – so go there when everyone is in class 😉

Lots Shop (closed since but archived for record) is recommended for digital cameras AND cell phone accessories such as casings .
but Hello~ there : they display soon-to-be imported mobile devices well in advance for customers to try-out
and the funny thing is : they will NOT actually sell these goodies come release date !?

and among the few branches throughout South Korea, its Jong-Ro branch is one place you can try out
iPad 2 along with the original iPad and even Motorola Zoom – all side-by-side all by-yourself 0o0 if you go soon after opening at Lunch time .
plus they still have a ton of iPad 1 cases which I wonder what they are going to do with ..

Lots JongRo Branch : Seoul Subway Line 1 JongGak Station Exit 4 and straight East on the second block .
open 11am ~ 10:30pm and it’ll be like Heaven for because NOT many shoppers the clerks are so kind in explaining ..

don’t go yet . for if you go at Lunch time, as this is JongRo the whole back alley is stuffed with all sorts of smaller restaurants
and across the street is the infamous YMCA Seoul, and further right next to it West is a pleasure of a new indian restaurant on the second floor just open a year with all-in-the-big-plate Lunch Menu at W8000.

well I could go on-and-on introducing this joyful area but strolling is half the fun like in any old-town area of a classic Metropolis ~



( Korea Tech BLog’s own iPad 2 FAQ Part-ii )
– What /really/ is the pro’s AND con’s of choosing telecommunications CARRIERS between KT AND SKT ??? –


this is a hard one, well, fun in inducing best options AND scenarios but takes long to explain for starters you gotta know the humble-yet-flashy background of the companies, how they evolved and their sudden shift at the on-set of Apple-era in South Korea .
because they, will do /anything/ to keep customers AND lure the new .

( ofcourse you WILL check my ‘Korea Telecommunications Page’ above AND linked below )
so consider the following and relate to your own needs :

[1] KT is a land-line company merged with South Korea’s second telecommunications company KTF,
so SKT the cellular leader has better cellular reception with more signal towers .
so if you are concerned with signals ONLY 3G buyers should go for SKT
but there are other matters to consider ..

[2] but as KT is more inter-twined with the government they are more for-the-people thus for example restriction in changing phone hardware amid subscription contract loose
while SKT has rigid subscription contracts like you cannot change hardware the first 3 to 6 months, etc.,
this becomes more and more important because subscription has increased from a year to 2 with the influx of Apple iPhone 3 AND iPad .

although KT is relatively inferior to SKT in cell phone technology, they try out latest technology foremost in the KangNam area South of the Han River in the Capital of Seoul : areas from KangNam Subway Station Eastward to JamSil Olympic Statdium .


[3] because KT had a head-start with Apple, SKT is trying out various promotions to lure back customers
/including/ a once (gone this March 9th) unlimited cellular Data-Sharing where your iPad can use signals from your cell phone,
AND 10,000 points of Free Wi-Fi zones through-out South Korea ! since last April .

which means to increase your Wi-Fi access through-out South Korea
it is best to subscribe to KT if you are planning to buy Wi-Fi ONLY iPad 1/2
because you can find FREE SKT Wi-Fi Zones thus having the best of both Worlds 😉



( Korea Tech BLog’s own iPad 2 FAQ Part-iii : The Ultimate Question )
– Does Apple have an Official Store in South Korea ? –
for NO one seems to know OR everyone tells me different


ONLY Official Apple Store in South Korea is On-Line in Spring 2011 .

there /always/ were quite a number of stores contracted with Apple, mostly in concentrated shopping areas
dedicated to graphic designers and early die-hard Apple followers
and still remain as relatively smaller-scale *General Resellers as differentiated by Official Apple Korea to later *Premium Resellers :

however with the influx of long-awaited iPhone belatedly in 3
the last two years saw a different kind of larger, glitzier store chains making-believe they ARE THE Apple Store
in sharp interior design and some even on squared buildings with employees in resembling uniform in form of solid T-Shirts .
still in reality, there are only one in a few larger contractors half-a-dozen currently AND increasing
some even holding prime-space battalions at major department stores .

they all look-alike, sell alike AND some of its branches double as Apple Korea-certified Product Support Centers
and if you insist we might say the ONLY differences that some has shop mostly inside major department stores
where-as others had set-up buildings of its own (though NOT as near the grand size of Real Apple Stores in Cosmopolitan Metropolis )
some only occupy a floor in existing buildings .

here a sacred-grail, oh I mean secret continues in that although mis-planned, some of its outer branches ARE the place you can pick up latest iPhone OR iPad on release day, with relatively less applicants than their counterparts smack in the middle of major shopping districts OR department stores .


so introducing notable Apple Store wanna-be’s in South Korea :
( in ascending date-of-formation AND as always geographically from West clock-wise in Seoul then regional )

[ A Shop ] abbreviated as A# operates Apple-contracted stores in 6 major shopping malls AND 15 Department Stores

  • HyunDai Department Store – MokDong Branch, Seoul Far-Far-West
  • Time Square Mall 2nd floor, in YongDeungPo, Seoul Far-West
  • ShinSeGae Department Store – YongDeungPo Branch, Seoul Far-West
  • HyunDae Department Store U-Plex in ShinCheon, Seoul West
  • HyunDae Department Store – ShinCheon Branch, Seoul West
  • HyunDae Department Store – Mia Branch, Seoul North-East
  • ShinSeGae Department Store in Central City Complex in BanPo, Seoul South
  • HyunDai Department Store HQ in ApGuJeong, Seoul South-East
  • Galleria BrandName Wing in ApGuJeong, Seoul South-East
  • HyunDai Department Store – COEX Branch, Seoul South-East
  • COEX Mall underground, linked to SamSung Subway Station, Seoul South-East
    ( here is roughly thought to have had the largest stock of original iPad on initial release day in South Korea )
  • HyunDai Department Store – CheonHo Branch, Seoul Far-East
  • HyunDai Department Store – KinTex Branch in ilSan, North-East
  • HyunDai Department Store – JoongDong Branch, South-West

Out-of Seoul :

  • Galleria – SooWon Branch, Central-South
  • Galleria – Time World Branch in DaeJeon, South
  • Galleria – JinJu Branch, Far-South
  • HyunDai Department Store – WoolSan Branch, Far-South-East

Port City of Busan or Pusan :

  • HyunDai Department Store – Busan or Pusan Branch, Busan Central
  • SeoMyun Branch, Central Busan or Pusan
  • ShinSeGae Department Store – Centum City Branch, Busan East


[ Frisbee ] has built several Apple-dedicated buildings and increasing

  • HongDae (Hong-ik Univeristy), Seoul Far-West 02-323-1765 Subway Line 2 HongDae.. Station Exit 5
  • ShinCheon, Seoul West 02-335-0471 Subway Line 2 ShinCheon Station Exit 2
  • MyungDong, Seoul Central 02-318-7120 Subway Line 4 MyungDong Station Exit 6
  • GeonDae (GeonKuk University), Seoul East 02-2218-3195 Subway Line 2 GeonDae.. Station Exit 5
  • KangNam, Seoul South 02-536-1050 Subway Line 2 KangNam Station Exit 6
  • DaeJeon 042-221-7041 Subway Line 1 JoongAngRo Station Exit 1
  • SeoMyun, Busan or Pusan Central 051-808-0947 Subway SeoMyun Station Exit 1
  • KwangBokDong, Busan or Pusan South 051-245-1035 across ChangSung Police sub-station


[ Concierge ] run by SK Networks started operation end of 2010 up North NoWon Subway Station in SangGaeDong

  • NoWon Branch, Seoul Nort-East 02-938-2773 Subway Line 4 Exit 2 OR Line 7 Exit 4 BOTH NoWon Station
  • GeonDae (GeonKuk University), Seoul East 02-497-3599 Subway Line 2 OR 7 BOTH GeonDae.. Station Exit 2
  • ApGuJeong, Seoul South-East 02-543-3599 into alley beside Cine City Movie Theatre Building



[ ALife ] (closed since but archived for record) is the latest to join Apple Korea’s “Premium” Resellers with their second branch open in the business district of KangNam (South of the Han River)
9:30am ~ 9pm Weekdays and ’til 8pm Weekends

  1. City Hall Main Store, dead-Central old downtown Seoul 02-754-2015
    ShiChung (City Hall) Subway Station Exit 7 and is right after OutBack SteakHouse !
    note that because of this prime location, the large plaza where the largest national demonstrations are held AND after-which you certainly wanna tour around the 2 ancient palaces as well as largest English bookstores within walking distance .
  2. KangNam Branch 02-2051-2015 SeonRoong (my spelling based on pronunciation) Subway Station Exit 4
    and because this is prime business district, most barber shops as well as sauna in second-rate hotels are massage parlors – distinguishable from mammoth Steam Therapy Halls some with Hot Springs mighty popular with Japanese tourists called Chim-Chim-Bang OR Jjim-Jjim-Bang .


we should also add that Korea’s largest bookstore chain Kyobo Book with On-Line Store as well, has might large selection of English AND Japanese books AND magazines and branches located near the popular areas in South Korea where Apple-contracted stores are located .

most of their larger stores are connected (some one floor above OR below) to their stationery store Hot Tracks which has a rather small electronics section BUT does sell iPad AND iPhone accessories . so they too would eventually start selling iPad 2 although probably NOT on earlier dates .



( Korea Tech BLog’s own iPad 2 FAQ Part-iv )
– EveryThing You Ever Wanted to Know About Apple iPad 2 Product SUPPORT in South Korea –
but got a simple shrug from a fellow user OR different answers where-ever I ask


Case 1 – you brought over your iPad 2 from abroad including the States :
nothing is certain prior to Official Release, but it is safe to presume Wi-Fi version is fully covered,
BUT 3G models could go either way .


Case 2 – buying IN South Korea /may/ differ on Product SUPPORT depending on your point-of-purchase :

for the ONLY Official Store is On-Line however
it best be thought as a redistribution warehouse than a full-fledged Branch Office .
thus they lack the vital portion of in-house Product Support .

thus it is common to hear users going to different Apple Support Centers in South Korea
to be billed such differing amounts – some staggering – OR state of repair OR exchange .
this is because they are contracted centers whose original business was OR doubling with other electronic companies, still rather large .


to counter-act this weird/sticky/sensitive phenomenon, you can add another layer of protection
and that is in the stately company of KT Telecommunications which is the same as your local telephone company in the States .
meaning : because you bought from them, you go through them when problem arise .

this is the same reason why it is better to buy electronics from a major department store, SuperMart OR conglomerate-operated Cable TV Shopping OR On-Line Mall
for you can send in the product usually for the first year, after which you have to send it to its originating distributor OR manufacturer .
( price-wise there is another pro’s AND con’s to this because while these “Official” outlets do NOT offer rock-bottom prices
they often regularly come up with 3~10% discounts associated with certain credit card companies )



( Korea Tech BLog’s own iPad 2 FAQ Part-v )
– EveryThing You Wanted to Know About WHERE TO BUY APPLE IPAD 2 IN SOUTH KOREA –
– But Got LOST in the Midst of All Apple-Korea-Contracted-Store Names –


again this depends on which model you want
AND initially naming provisional (NOT confirmed) sales points starting April 29th NOT counting early reservation
based on examples for the original iPad :

  • Wi-Fi ONLY WITH 2 Years Subscription : at larger branches of Apple-contracted stores including A#, Frisbee, etc.,
  • Wi-Fi AND 3G WITH 2 Years Subscription : at larger KT AND SKT Telecommunications branches more in populated areas,
  • Wi-Fi ONLY WITHOUT Subscription : at larger Department Store AND/OR SuperMart Branches in Central locations,
    ( here you usually have more credit card discounts offered for limited periods )
  • Wi-Fi AND 3G WITHOUT Subscription : at larger branches of Apple-contracted stores including Frisbee, A#, etc.,


above is the early-release scenario, then would be a zig-zag mixture of any combinations 3 months after original release, as has been with the original iPad .
*WITHOUT Subscription models usually start selling a month to 3 month AFTER Subscription models in South Korea .

as with cell phones, there are advantages AND disadvantages of buying at a telecommunications company direct-run store AND in case of KT : your local telephone company, versus those smaller branches littered throughout the Peninsula :
telephone companies AND official branches charge official retail prices where as your contract subscription can be canceled at any time,
while in case of smaller branches give out their own discounts BUT in return insert a clause you cannot cancel within 3 Month to 6 Months to earn enough profit meanwhile .


( Korea Tech BLog’s own iPad 2 For-Dummies series continues )
– wait, Should I get the Original iPad if there’s a lot out there for a good Price ?

see below on the next Update as a WEEK left on release of iPad 2,
users are ditching their original iPad especially high-end 3G nearing HALF the original retail price !

WHERE to buy used iPads ?
certainly on general electronics site AND Apple-related On-Line communities
but the original iPads have been selling well even on general resale sites ever since last Summer due to belated introduction into South Korea in Fall Season .

though you’re gonna need help of a confided local friend
for most resale sites AND on-Line tech communities with resale forum require citizen ID’s


– and which Should I Choose 16/32/64 AND Wi-Fi ONLY OR 3G Also ?!

memory space is entirely up to you the user and since this is NOT different World-Wide
you can refer to earlier advise AND reviews States-side .

however Wi-Fi OR 3G is more a local choice due to mobile-characteristics specific to South Korea .
just remember the Korean Peninsula is a small land-mass AND densely populated with Wi-Fi readily available in concentrated areas
AND SKT sending out FREE Wi-Fi Zones to recuperate customers lost to KT at on-set of iPhone 4 AND the original iPad .
( there’s many Posts AND dedicated Pages above I mention Wi-Fi life in South Korea )

AND Wi-Fi increasing constantly throughout the nation that we cannot mention all in effect
including public transportation on bus AND subway with Korean bullet train in KTX now having paid cards to enable in-train Wi-Fi although still unstable .

*but in the end you should know that 3G is staggeringly slow compared to Wi-Fi


– there are 2GB AND 4GB bandwidth-per-month plans . how do these compare in actual use for a normal person ?

UNLESS you vainly use your iPad/iPhone to download full-length movies
1GB should be ample for general surfing (internet browsing) use
while you would barely go over 3GB even you tried watching streaming movies whenever you can .


few devices AND services characteristical to South Korea you should know before choosing Wi-Fi OR 3G :
some whose payment plans are complex you better inquire telecommunication carriers

  1. Wi-Fi is simply-put short-distance Wireless Network ranging anywhere from 10m to 30m. think of it as LAN cable without wires . it is FAST BUT has short-range thus most homes and cafes use this, with homes enabling access to ONLY certain smart phones, or laptops/notebooks via password OR MAC address, while cafes limit access usually via password printed on your receipt of order . business offices do NOT use this instead linked by actual cables for dependability as well as security .
  2. Wi-Fi Zone is one technology enjoyed by such a technologically advanced nation where land-mass is small AND mass populace live AND work in concentration . it is hundreds of “Zones” serviced by either cellular carriers enabling internet connect with any smart phone OR laptop/notebook with Wi-Fi capability BUT is either open AND free OR via paid subscription depending upon region . most popular shopping districts AND university campus are FREE .
  3. Mobile WiBro in Egg, Egg2 AND Egg3 covered extensively on this BLog – were intended to enable laptops/notebooks to access internet via Wi-Fi from special device called “Egg” which in turn is connect to carriers via WiBro . sheer speed-wise comparison on transmitting data is Wi-Fi > WiBro > 3G.
  4. 3G is the third generation of cellular transmittance implemented from 2006 after the original Analog in 1995 and then Digital 2G in 1996 . KT has announce to halt 2G from this Summer due to cost of running older format .
  5. Data Sharing – available in both SKT AND KT cell phone carriers – where if you have a 3G Smart Phone : you can “share” its 3G Data with another (up to 5 devices) 3G device including iPhone AND/OR Android . this extra option is W3000 per month WITH limits starting at 750MB per month .
  6. Tethering – again available in both carriers – enables mostly laptops OR notebooks to use your cell phone as a modem (via USB Port OR BlueTooth) to connect to the internet .



[ April 19th Tuesday ] Enough to Go Around 😉
according to distribution sources enough flown-in over last weekend AND divided among KT AND SKT
that if you reserve on Opening Day April 23rd you should be able to receive the second Wonder machine on initial Release Day April 29th .


just a reminder that come opening day morning : you’re NOT going to see lines of eager buyers queuing around blocks of Apple vendors .
( especially NOT when winds from Fukushima is hovering over )
for the War for iPad 2 in South Korea – touted for their heroes in the Gaming World – is going to be fought on-Line in applying for reservations .

the scenario goes like this : with bare hint of warning through friend’s friend’s you will know when the race will start .
and once it does they will accept reservation in tiers 1st, 2nd .. with the choice of choosing WHICH vendor you want to pick’em up at .
or you can simply reserve at Korean Apple on-Line Store .



[ April 20th Wednesday ] Apple iPad 2 South Korea Price Reference
with approximate Currency Exchange
. . . . . . . . . . US Apple Store . . MacMall.co.kr . . Lotte . . EXPECTED iPad1@Apple.co.kr iPad1 USED
Wi-Fi 16GB  $500=W534,000 . . W640,000 . W640,000 . W590,000 . . W500,000 . . . W380,000
Wi-Fi 32GB  $600=W648,000 . . W770,000 . W770,000 . W710,000 . . W640,000 . . . W450,000
Wi-Fi 64GB  $700=W756,000 . . W899,000 . W890,000 . W830,000 . . W770,000 . . . W500,000
+3G 16GB . $630=W680,000 . . W726,000 . . . . . . . . . . W740,000 . . W650,000 . . . W450,000
+3G 32GB . $730=W788,000 . . W828,000 . . . . . . . . . . W860,000 . . W790,000 . . . W500,000
+3G 64GB . $830=W896,000 . . W936,000 . . . . . . . . . . W980,000 . . W920,000 . . . W550,000


*Yellow is SK +3G Price from which subscription is calculated (complex so inquire directly) as of April 25th
precised next day : stand-alone models would be bit higher nearing ‘Expected’ category above

explanation & Analysis :

  • individual selling of unopened iPad 2 brought from abroad is +W100,000 ~ 200,000 or even a +W50,000 more on top of US Price
    ( people are still buying this ONE Week to Official Release in South Korea )
  • MacMall is only one of a few Apple-contracted stores in South Korea to list today iPad 2 prices in form of reservations – subject to change
  • ‘Expected’ figures is a ball-park deduction from previous applications into South Korea
    ( Apple may pin slighty higher figures applying profitable Currency Exchange Rates )
  • Apple.co.kr is the ONLY Official Apple Store in South Korea, although On-Line
    ( whose shipping tends to be late – 3 days to a Week or even a Month – compared to next-day delivery which is the norm in Korean On-Line shopping Post-Millennium )
  • KT also sell iPad 1 in BOTH Wi-Fi AND +3G models BUT retail price is higher than Apple Korea above BUT gets cheaper combined with Wi-Fi OR 3G subscriptions with varied choice on monthly traffic .
  • USED iPad 1 going rate is over the WeekEnd of April 15th 2011 of /actually/ sold records
    ofcourse /asking/ price abound higher W50,000 ~ W100,000 but NOT selling

    with price dropping further -W50,000 or more for exterior scratches OR bumps .
  • as you can see, owners of the original iPad is currently on a frantic spree to sell their used still-Wonder devices
    mostly on resale sites AND Apple OR iPad communities in South Korea – see above Update for where to buy
    .. might be THE chance to get a good deal – for price should stabilize, for better OR worse once iPad 2 is out .
  • those who bought OR ordered iPad 2 earlier from abroad is also selling clean machines of brief use, at a cautious price slightly higher than ‘Expected’ Korean Retail above as of April 22nd Weekend, when KT is now known NOT to accept reservation AND commence selling end of the Month .
  • also over Easter Weekend some branches of Lotte Department Store started taking reservation for stand-alone Wi-Fi models – without subscription expected to begin sale April 25th Monday .. but quite expensive huh ? is NOT common with all branches, as with some of its SuperMart counterpart Lotte Mart .


I might add Korea’s Apple On-Line Store is currently selling Refurbished MacBook Air for W1,090,000
while new retail is W1,290,000 Korean and used actually selling at W950,000 model number MC505KH/A
11.6″ LED BackLight, 2GB Mem, 64GB SSD, NVidia GeForce 320M Graphic, iSight Camera – originally released October 2010



[ April 21st Thursday ] Good News and Bad News
with reservation sign-up date of April 23rd still standing, the actual Sale may begin on 28th than 29th with a slice of chance either /may/ begin on 25th – Yeah Sure .

adding to the mixed-but-zeroing-in possibility of release : KT is almost sure to release Apple iPad 2 NEXT Week now hinting with OR without reservation procedures
while SKT may be uncertain for now .

a few larger Apple-contracted stores are accepting in-house early reservations from today including PixDix (update : set up by LG conglomerate in November 2006 as branches specializing in digital cameras, to close by January 2012)
which will go into effect once Official reservation starts, with some branches taking in phone calls also .
on the contrary, other larger contracted-store chains in Frisbee AND A# will NOT be taking reservations .

as noted on our [About] Page above, NO questions on the validity of our Post contents please .
in many cases it is a cordinated deduction from many sources, with this iPad 2 mostly from words of related employees AND obviously intentional leaks to the Press/Media, who in turn sometimes release some or even contents against .
if you are in school and NOT know the on-goings in Society look up why corporations leak early right-OR-wrong information to the Press/Media OR as Official PR announcement .

if you want Official answers kindly head to their PR Office . this is a BLog with no-BS guides for pure adoration of electronic Wonders .


*also a reminder that our own iPad 2 FAQ AND For-Dummies series is being Updated above
independent of these daily Supplements .



( Korea Tech BLog’s own iPad 2 FAQ Part-vi )
– Jesus Would SomeOne Tell Me : WHEN is the REAL iPad 2 Release Date in South Korea ??? –
AND Are They Gonna Take Reservations OR Not ???


envision the Night before Normandy invasion during WWII . so much mis-information was given out by the Allied Forces that the Nazis commanders thought otherwise AND with the inevitable scattering of paratroopers all around inland France the Allies NOR the Germans had any idea what is where . yes it is a mess, but one good out of it is if you are lucky AND/OR persistent enough to find a place taking reservation today AND they happen to be one of the earlier drop-points of the second Wonder machine – AND are good for their word – you will be a very happy person Next weekend . phew

let me explain :

first NO Official announcement from Apple so we’ll hold that for a while – yeah, suddenly BOOM ! that is their style .
then KT and SKT revealed to the Press Media that they will take reservations, then release Apple iPad 2 end of this Month .
then SKT is quiet, so we have to assume SKT is coming later than KT, so we’ll talk about KT here .


[1] Telephone Company Branches AND Direct-Run KT Stores
some main KT Offices which used to be your local “Telephone Company Buildings”
AND direct-run KT Stores which are clearly named in their Official site although in Korean
ARE accepting early reservations from today April 21st 2011 .
( we already mentioned the difference between this AND local branches several times in this BLog including Korea Telecommunications Director Page above )


[2] Regional KT Telecommunications Branches
from here-on about regional KT branches – those that you find on every road corner :
when inquired about iPad 2 : the reason why some of these local KT branches know that iPad 2 is coming and others don’t
is because it was relayed NOT in official transmission but through the employees they know personally .

and now it seems KT is pondering whether to accept reservations at all, when they already have the machines in stock since this Weekend . on hearing this AND instead of waiting, a few contracted vendors AND KT branches started taking reservations today ONLY announced regionally . these are NOT actual reservations normally instigated by KT but are of local promotions to sign-in AND letting you know when the machine will be available .

so the only way to distinguish them currently is the sale sign actually ON relevant KT branches

– distinguishing Telephone Company Branch, Direct-Run KT Stores AND General KT Branches –
we have mentioned this many times but still confusing due to merging of South Korea’s second Telecommunications company KTF into the land-line telephone company KT to now be called KT with Official website combined in Olleh.com

and English OR Korean it is hard to tell the difference which is which on their branch listing coming with nice maps though .
a few hints though : both Telephone Company Branch AND KT Direct-run Store carry the name ‘KT Plaza’
and if it’s a whole building with a large KT sign it IS the Telephone Company Branch
while KT Direct-run Stores usually rent a whole floor of a large building .

all-the-while a regular KT Branch is one of those small stores you find in every other street
WITH the name a half-to-a-dozen ‘Global Stores’ (still small in scale each) only /appointed/ to handle foreign residents
though NOT necessarily a testament that their employees speak fluent English – and from my experience FAR from it AND untrustful .


[3] Apple-Contracted Stores in South Korea
now if you are planning to buy the Wi-Fi ONLY version, the place to look is different for now :
SOME Apple-contracted sellers have begun taking early reservations from today including LG’s PixDix (updated : operated 2006~2011)
but NOT Frisbee NOR A# who do NOT have plans to take reservations at all
( although a few aspiring branches may have started to take in unofficial reservations )
those that DO, you will NOT find any information on their On-Line website for all is taken in-person at their stores .

[4] Electronics Corner of Major Department Stores AND SuperMarts
also some major department stores are ready to stock non-subscription Wi-Fi versions soon but do NOT take any kind of reservation .
but electronics corner of some major SuperMarts DO . now .

so the reservations have /already/ started BUT the times AND locations NOT largely announced so NOT many applicants yet with numbers in the tens .
more-so this time around these are brick-and-motor storefronts and not much On-Line stores ..
( so tomorrow may be the day of iPad 2 zombies roaming around town to check where the reservation stores are )


*in fact much is changing by-the-day so I will be editing contents at the end of the day NOT to misguide new readers
especially for a whole lot happened today with accounts of sporadic early reservations already begun here and there 0o0



[ April 22nd Friday ] Oh aren’t we Glad it ain’t the 13th !!!
as the classics of classics in ‘Gone With The Wind” end with the phrase “After All Tomorrow is Another Day”
and here we are with the possibility mounting to yesterday’s confusion and announcement delay
may be due to Apple, KT AND SKT Telecommunications trying to agree on iPad 2 prices .. yawn

OR letting Korea’s own competition model out first ..


seems a message was relayed to KT branches over-night
that SamSung Galaxy S2 will start taking reservation from today 3pm for 3 days
AND starting selling there-after for W847,000
( sorry we don’t talk about Galaxies in our BLog but well since ..)

along with statement hinting there will be NO reservation on this iPad 2
AND sales to be “executed” NOT On-Line
meaning : geez Koreans may have to wait under radiation clouds .. gulp .

so the logic goes that if Galaxy S2 DOES start taking reservations this afternoon
we have to deduct the information on iPad to be true too ..


[ inquiring by Phone ]
you will get virtually NO information about Apple iPad 2 on phone in English NOR Korean
for although most of the sales-points in your local Telephone Company, Direct-Run KT Branch, Larger Apple-Contracted Stores, Major Department Stores AND SuperMarts – all will hold your calls BUT still cordially return to tell you otherwise .

– note that we did NOT include the regional KT branches who are NOT dependent at all –

so those venturing around town in search of reservation acceptance
beware it’s raining radiation on the Korean Peninsula today -_-

those laughing why some maniacs are so desperate to get one (or two) early-on :
although already imported stock is “deemed” sufficient
once it’s depleted on first sell-out, it may be a while until the next shipment comes .

but ofcourse there will be individual resellers if you are willing to pay $200 ~ 300 on top of sales tag ..



[ Afternoon Supplement ] SamSung Galaxy Sii has started Taking Reservations
from early afternoon until April 25th for 4 days, to be released END of the Month – Official KT Statement .
Well, they’re giving out several ‘Goodies’ in the package like FREE iNavi Navigation for a Year
– but we know better than to linger on this topic so –

which means Apple iPad may now NOT take reservations and sell straight-out between April 25th to the end of Month – most likely dates so far .
if you are surfin’on here for the first time : pass all the Updates above except for the FAQ’s AND For-Dummies series
and read-on for this is as real as it gets so far :

for +3G : some KT direct-run branches AND telephone companies have started taking ‘early’ reservations since yesterday AND continue to do so,
and for Wi-Fi ONLY : the same holds true as above at some KT branches, Apple-contracted company branches AND SuperMarts .

but this ‘early’ reservation is NOT official and taken individually by each branch, for them to call up the applicant and inform them when the first batch of shipment comes in .


the only difference is this : if you happen to drop by a store where one OR more inquirers have come before
the clerks will know why you are here and take your name AND contact number .
but if you come by a store where no-one there has knowledge of iPad 2 soon to be coming-in
it is up to you to convince it will soon AND they contact you when it does come in .

again, calling-in on the phone is futile for starters : KT do NOT link you to individual branches
but you have to be re-directed after dialing the simple ‘100’.
you have to go-in yourself .
the good in this is that come release day : you might NOT have to stand in line under radiation clouds – as long as they keep their word, which is NOT bound since the reservation is NOT official .

perhaps this is good time to alert you of a NEW kind of theft called iPad-snatching
for NOT having one yet, is far-better than loosing it .

with relatively high level of education South Korea is a safe place
without much mugging NOR rape with gunshots non-existent .

  1. but jewelry/purse-snatching on public transportation
  2. bag-snatching from a bike on the street
  3. break-ins into empty homes/apartments
  4. threatening dame drivers of import cars in Department Store parking space do still happen

and especially if you are here for school OR work
it is NOT violent crime that will get you
but sly cons from smaller cell phone branches and/or even schools



[ April 23rd Saturday ] seems the Easter Bunny is bringing good news
for now it seems Apple iPad 2 may start selling Monday 😉

AND price for Wi-Fi version for South Korea fixating rather high – resulting in current rate of used-iPad 1 bargains at almost HALF iPad 2 !
see my updated Price Comparison 3 days ago above ~


[ April 24th Sunday ] scattered accounts of SOME branches of Lotte Department Store, Lotte Mart AND eMart taking reservations on Wi-Fi models – this INCLUDES regional branches out of Seoul .
but simply calling each branch NOR department store/supermart would do NO good, for it is the electronics vendors who take space within the building who sell . if the sale would start tomorrow they should have in stock by now AND it would be their tone of voice revealing whether they have it OR not . thus doing your held-off Duty-Free shopping OR groceries tomorrow may produce results //

however Apple or mobile electronics-related On-Line communities, who extend mighty consumer power in South Korea today AND have been gathering reservations themselves, mostly in hand with one of the many Apple vendors – are told April 29th as the probable iPad 2 Wi-Fi release date with 3G following in a day OR two .



[ April 25th Monday ] seen enough iPad 2 zombies roaming around town today inquiring Official Release in South Korea ?
so it’s still a No-Go today with unofficial reservations continuing here AND there .
BUT from today we have on-going information from planners AND sales staff involved in the release of Apple iPad 2 onto the Korean Peninsula (told casually thus NOT Official including updates below):

  1. the most KT of all KT Stores : Olleh ( KT’s latest telecommunication Brand Name ) Lounge located on the ground floor of KT HeadQuarters right next to the American Embassy in old Central downtown Seoul HAS iPad 2 in stock but is awaiting go-ahead from Apple .
  2. related advertising departments say preparation for iPad 2 launch will finish tomorrow April 26th .
  3. selective sales representatives in KT as well as SKT branches say they are told to participate in iPad 2 educations seminar tomorrow AND/OR the day after .
  4. as this is the first time we have information of movement on SKT on iPad 2, some direct-run Branches have received the Price List this afternoon AND told to go ahead in taking Off-Line reservations .


so if you add up the above SKT will start selling anytime after April 28th Thursday .
also, early reservers report of the stores/branches calling them back this afternoon (initial reservation was mostly with name AND phone number ONLY for it was unofficial) to inquire Korean citizen’s ID numbers – which would mean the list is going valid “V” (for Victory)


[ Evening Update ] in the midst of national frustration of “Apple games” in waiting and waiting
adding to news of counter-lawsuits between SamSung AND Apple,
here’s what we know so far from words relayed from the now-many meetings between related branch officials :

  1. the most stocked model of Apple iPad 2 into South Korea currently is deduced to be considerably more White than Black
    actually : a good chance the store you go to will ONLY have White models
    AND in capacity 32GB and then 16GB,
  2. Official Reservation initially leaked to the Press Media to have been April 23rd
    may have been cancelled due to disagreement on distribution numbers between Apple, KT AND SKT Telecommunications,
  3. KT Telecom is said (by participating employees AND/OR contractors) to have decided to release Apple iPad 2 on April 29th Friday,
  4. SKT Telecom will probably release a Week later (April 27th Update : SKT will release together with KT on 29th),
  5. SKT Telecom’s +3G Prices are out AND updated on initial Price comparison above 5 days ago,
  6. once the Korean On-Line Apple Store initial reservation of iPad 2 is depleted, the second batch should come in 2 ~ 3 Weeks later,
  7. +3G models should be available at the Korean On-Line Apple Store BUT at a later date unknown,


unofficial (but gaining validity by-the-day) reservation for Apple iPad 2 is increasing as we speak,
( thus lesser worries of lining-up under radiation clouds )
though some smaller or remote AND honest branches taking a mere 10 and closing acceptance,
so it is best to go NOW to reserve :

  • +3G models at either Telecommunication branches (there’s a paradox for the smaller branches were earlier to go independently taking reservations for their own eventual sales, BUT the larger direct-run branches OR KT telephone companies hold more validity)
  • or Wi-Fi ONLY models at any of the Apple-contracted stores we listed way~ above
    and if you don’t need subscriptions and instead stand-alone models : to department stores OR supermarts, who should have better credit card payment (installment) options AND/OR discounts .



[ April 26th Tuesday ] Month of May
some Press Media are touting this May as the Month of the Duel of (what-ever) tablets between manufacturers AND telecommunication companies with Apple iPad 2 – taking reservations from last Weekend (?) to be released around April 29th through KT AND SK Telecom – and 2 sizes of SamSung Galaxy Tab, Motorola Zoom, LG Optimus Pad, HTC Express, iRiver Pad, and all~ the worn underwear you’ve been meaning to discard since New Year’s . Yeah, Right .

PRODUCT . . . . . . . . . . . RELEASE . . . CARRIERS
Motorola Zoom . . . . . . . April 26th . . . SKT, KT
Apple iPad 2 . . . . . . . . . April 29th . . . SKT, KT
SamSung Galaxy Tab . . May . . . . . . . SKT, KT
in 8.9 and 10.1 inches
iRiver Pad . . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . LG uPlus
LG Optimus Pad . . . . . . end of May ~ early June via SKT, KT and LG uPlus
HTC Express . . . . . . . . . June . . . . . . KT

also accessories vendors especially variable cases for iPad 2 are announcing AT their actual listing pages that shipment will commence in-Par with Release of Apple iPad 2 on April 29th . Hello~ Republic of Korea, still pronounced “Rock” in YongSan military circles .


[ Evening Supplement ] Again, Good News AND Bad News ( restless, getting confused which is which )

  1. KT AND SKT is said (by latest Press Media) to sell at the SAME PRICE to avoid unnecessary competition,
    ( applied above at April 20th Update )
  2. selective KT branches received today Go-Ahead to start selling Off-Line April 28th Thursday,
    ( Off-Line means you pay AND receive at Real, Existing brick-and-mortar store-fronts instead of on internet )



[ April 28th Wednesday ] Apple iPhone 4 WHITE Releasing, Releasing .. Released !
in Europe that is, with States-side tomorrow due to time-differences
and guess what .. the lingering iPad 2-Land : South Korea tomorrow~
with few KT branches displaying 16GB models from late afternoon and 32GB /might/ begin sale later .

  1. might be the time to get one if you are using 2G, to be discontinued this Summer by KT Carrier
  2. AND later get the iPad 2 3G with a “Data Sharing” chip to save on bandwidth rates
    as our subscriber Jason did below on his comments – to be explained on our next Update .
  3. if you are already using another 3G cell phone with KT Carrier AND plan to switch hardware
    it is best to go through their 114 Call Center which benefits you than going to any branch :
    (changing cell phone hardware while keeping the number is lean on KT while SKT has stubborn restrictions AND penalties)
    – comes with USIM card,
    – waiving mandatory insurance fee for subscription,
    – discount on subscription payment plans,


– you will need a Foreigners Registration Number OR a confided local friend OR colleague with Citizens Registration Number with good credit standing
to subscribe to payment plans AND enjoy the material AND service Wonders Millennium Korea has to offer –

[ iPad 2 Japan ]

mean-while neighboring Japan somber with all Natural AND Artificial mishaps, Officially releasing iPad 2 tomorrow !
BUT quite a number of evacuees near Tohoku Region in the whole North-East Region of Japan should have access to competing SamSung Galaxy Tab
because SamSung has sent 2400 of their own ‘Tabs as part of good-willed relief efforts around last March 21st .
that-is approximately ONE Galaxy Tab to each of the 2400 evacuation centers .

although part of Press Media questioned their intent in humanely ridding of unsold stock-pile
SamSung reciprocated mentioning now electricity returned in effected areas with Wi-Fi available
this may be a good way to contact other family members in the midst of this crisis .

and backing their words with 95,000 batteries, of which not all may be for their devices, 50,000 recharge adaptors
completed with setting up local Support Centers ! without mention of how long they will remain in operation ..



KT Telecom is Officially having their Apple “iPad 2 Launching Festival” 8am this Friday April 29th
at their most KT of all KT showrooms :
Olleh Square on the ground floor of their Main Building next to the American Embassy

where the luckiest 100 applicants will have the choice of getting one on-Site, baby


The Reverable Apple has just announced iPad 2 will be released 9am this Friday April 29th
at Retail Stores AND Apple-Authorized Resellers
AND On-Line through Their Apple Store beginning 1am Wouf Wouf



[ Apple iPad 2 South Korea Launching Eve ] Current Fiasco as of April 28th Thursday Afternoon (ALL content provisional)
– read our iPad 2 FAQ Part-v way~ above on which versions normally sells where in South Korea –

most early reservist, although unofficial are getting text messages this afternoon .
if you get a call, inquiring identity : you are surely reserved a device – including those picked-100 invitees to the KT Launch Event tomorrow morning .


iPad 2 Wi-Fi ONLY Models :

  • Apple-Contracted Stores : have stocked Wi-Fi models this afternoon BUT is different in some selling in order of early unofficial reservation while some ONLY sending text message to reservists to stand in line tomorrow .
    ( so far PixDix – update : defunct 2012 after 5 years – is the former, while A# AND Frisbee holding the latter case – still depending upon branch with those in prime central locations standing by the rules, while those on outer city limits even calling back reservists to check which models to hold )
  • Direct-Run KT Stores : because they are official outlets seem to sell directly,
  • Regional KT Branches : because they are loose renegades, some accepting early payment WITH purchase tomorrow assured – same with those in YongSan Electronics Market District .
  • Department Stores and SuperMarts : although earlier-date accounts were from Lotte, we have activities in HyunDai as well as Shnisegae branches .


iPad 2 +3G Models :

  • the ONLY place to sell +3G Off-Line tomorrow : will be at the Main KT Store Olleh Square tomorrow morning as announced above yesterday,
  • the rest say will be accepting reservations for +3G models tomorrow, to be sold NEXT Week,
  • however witness abound of /most/ telecommuncation branches – even the small ones – to receive one OR two tomorrow AND few stores promising customers to hold one hmmm ..
  • the ONLY Official Apple Store in South Korea i.e., On-Line : will sell from 1am tomorrow Korea Time also accepting phone sales once business hour starts,
    AND enough in-stock however that still means shipping from China AND Hong Kong once payment is done
    which means it will still take 2~3 days to even a Week for the Wonder Device to arrive on your door-steps .
  • again, Official On-Line Store WILL also sell stand-alone +3G models WITHOUT (a bewildering 2~3 years’) subscription BUT is NOT certain it will be among this first phase of sale .
  • if you are seeking stand-alone +3G models BUT still willing to purchase subscription BECAUSE of unavailability
    – to cancel eventually subscription interim :
    a) better choose KT instead of SKT
    b) AND at KT telephone companies OR direct-run branches instead of smaller branches – for lesser ristriction AND penalties .

– iPhone 4 WHITE IS on Sale from today BUT very scarce in quantity –
the only paradox here, is the difference with Black is surface ONLY
AND iPhone 5 may come early Summer, with Apple already in the works for iPhone 6 //

Joyful Updates for this Post will soon come to an end .
it was a technological pleasure surfin’with you folks AND wish every one of you Good Luck
to eventually share goody Wi-Fi Zones throughout the Korean Penninsula
while ours is usually at either Angelinus behind Seoul City Hall OR NesCafe across Hamilton Hotel in iTaewon .
( Oh Wi-Fi junkies will get /wet/ with 3 brand name Zones all coming in FULL level at dead-central Metropolis )

AND remember there are very few places you can rent Pocket Wi-Fi for your Visa run into Japan 😉


[ April 29th Friday ] Judgement Day

Official Korean Apple On-Line Store is NOT selling iPad 2 on 1am as espected BUT the device AND accessories page is there
un revealed NOR linked yet : (30 minutes past, pages are revealed BUT links NOT working)

across the strait at Japanese On-Line Store where they started selling yesterday
their sale page just came up .. but NO +3G models -_-

OK 40 minutes past and accessories in Smart Pad is payable
with delivery into Central Seoul taking 2~5 days .

until the iPad 2 Sales Page is Actually revealed here are direct /inner/ links :
whose actual payment routine may take some time to work
(delivery times for iPad 2 now shows 1~2 Weeks)
Wi-Fi 16GB White http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC979KH/A?mco=MjlwMzMxMzg
Wi-Fi 32GB White http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC980KH/A?mco=MjE0OTl0MDk
Wi-Fi 64GB White http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC981KH/A?mco=MjE0OTl0MDk

Wi-Fi 16GB Black http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC769KH/A?mco=MjE0OTl0MDk
Wi-Fi 32GB Black http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC770KH/A?mco=MjE0OTl0MDk
Wi-Fi 64GB Black http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC916KH/A?mco=MjE0OTl0MDk

+3G 16GB White http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC982KH/A?mco=MjE0OTl0MDk
+3G 32GB White http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC983KH/A?mco=MjE0OTl0MDk
+3G 64GB White http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC984KH/A?mco=MjE0OTl0MDk

+3G 16GB Black http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC773KH/A?mco=MjE0OTl0MDk
+3G 32GB Black http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC774KH/A?mco=MjE0OTl0MDk
+3G 64GB Black http://store.apple/kr/configure/MC775KH/A?mco=MjE0OTl0MDk



[ Afternoon Supplement ] We now have 3 kinds of people today in South Korea :
the Very Happy, the Frustrated AND those whose day was same like any other .

as midnight neared last night with 8 people starting to line-up outside COEX
where A# was told to have the most iPad in stock opening day last year,
Apple On-Line Store started taking orders soon after 2am .

youngsters of the most wirelessly-extworked nation exchanged line numbers swiftly as morning business hours opened
and it was a Wonder some of the most crowd-expected branches were bare
especially the most futuristic and recent shopping complex of all Asia at marvelous Centum City in Busan or Pusan .

will upload a separate Post on this morning’s iPad 2 Launch ceremony at KT HeadQuarters dead-center in the Capital of Seoul
where surprisingly not much non-reservists gathered perhaps led to believe it was ONLY for the luckily-drafted 100 fans .
here, they DID have ample +3G models contrary to earlier prospect
then 32GB White was to go most quickly while there still were 16GB Blacks available well into the afternoon .


all-in-all AND which will hold to be true for days to come :
NOT at all those lines around buildings as Apple would have wanted like other Worldly metropolis .
for those who haven’t had the luck yet – it is NOT too late .
do what the speedsters did and you can have a /nice/ weekend too :

  • reserve 3-times-fold at different stores AND different branches, for you can cancel before giving your final OK .
  • is NOT worth going out of your way to inquire at bigger stores,
  • instead try a few of the largest stores AND branches within your reach,
  • and/or try to convince the smaller branches who would get 1 or 2 at intervals,


and as Apple iPhone 3 AND iPad has changed demographics in Korean cellular culture over the past 2 years
it is amazing how little information NOR hardware was available today at SKT branches – who used to rule when SamSung’s AnyCall was the /hip/ way to go ~ but that was STILL after the Millennium ..

throughout cellular branches today it was Korean reruns of the original Mac advertisement :
those in hoodies on boots bought up Apple while dark-suited businessmen rushed in to get SamSung Galaxy 😉



[ Post Sciptum ] and when the whole craze if over
will be like the hours after a Woo~ LaLa~ Fashion Show, especially back-stage

Special Preview : “Understanding the Korean Psyche among Metropolitan Life in Concentrated Populace linked via Millennium Technology”


[ April 3rd Tuesday ] After The Storm
and well into the Week after, Apple iPad 2 White is virtually sold-out throughout South Korea
with some 64GB reservists getting messages to pick-up few restocks .
yes second batch seems to be coming in BUT only black models .

also all iPhone 4 WHITE currently in South Korea
while SKT is available in 16GB only and all choices in KT Carrier models .

please understand we try NOT to state exactly what-is-available-where throughout this Post
because it has been a continuous tumbling of informed-eager buyers arriving only to be told it is gone OR never happened .
BUT we are sure you will be gratified if you follow constant hints laid-out here .


[ April 4th Wednesday ] Get in Line
Apple iPad 2 AND iPhone 4 WHITE will go on sale (one of several regular sales since release date)
2pm today with expected delivery tomorrow
at KT Carrier’s Official On-Line Store Olleh.com viewable currently on inner-link at :

http://cot.ag/l16m8R iPad 2 3G in-stock :16G White 10pcs, Black 53pcs, 32G Black 71pcs, 64G White 10pcs, Black 81pcs,
http://cat.ag/kGP1Zi iPhone 4 WHITE 16G 440pcs, 32G 110pcs,

Frisbee ShinCheon Branch expected to sell starting 3pm today for early-reservists :
iPad 2 Wi-Fi 16G White 9pcs, Black 4pcs, 32G White 4pcs, Black 13pcs, 64GB White : ONE,
at inner-link :

( inner-links are prepared pages on servers ready to be open at a certain time .
you should order at the appropriate page WHEN open instead of paying at this link, which is for preview ONLY
with in-stock numbers refecting last sale for reference )


[ April 6th Thursday ] past Childrens Day in the Orient however NOT everyone has an iPad 2 -_-
for those who ordered iPad 2 on released day April 29th at the Official Korean On-Line Store
although initial shipment was stated as May 17th at on-set
16GB models have been shipping out earlier this Week
AND 64GB BLACK commencing shipment now in order numbers beginning with 6023 xxxx

[ April 7th Saturday ] ample supply of iPhone 4 WHITE in South Korea
for KT Carrier and also SKT who only had 16GB now starting selling 32GB models from today 😉

users are hesistant because of mandatory subscription clause limiting minimun use
which /usually/ is 3 Month for KT while 6 Month for SKT
as many are expecting iPhone 5 this Summer 😉


iPad 2 32GB AND 64GB in WHITE is starting shipping from the incredible Chinese city bordering Hong Kong : Shenzhen today via DHL toward South Korea .
priority seems random of people ordered from 2am ~ 7pm on release day April 29th .



[ April 9th Monday ] South Korean Golden WeekEnd Special FAQ !

– I’m NOT a Dummy BUT Help : I Dunno Which iPad 2 to Get for use in South Korea –

common family holiday in the Orient : Childrens Day May 5th on Thursday
as revered Parents Day although NOT a holiday smack on Sunday
and Buddhas Birthday calculated from Lunar Calendar falling on Tuesday

[A] Best Bang-for-the-Buck : Original iPad (1) 16GB USED !
incredible fallen price for /superficial/ all-of-South-Korea is going for newer iPad 2 AND higher capacity .
( read my theory on a nation obsessed with trends NOT limited to fashion among a mass populace of similar people in concentrated dwelling )

[B] The Frugal Gourmet : Stand-Alone Wi-Fi model without subscription !
enjoy networked life and even WireLess in the most connected nation Plato would like to have theorized .


[C] Best of Both Worlds YET Saving as Much as you Can : +3G WITH KT “Sharing Chip” !
save utmost when you go elsewhere while enjoying the fullest of technological Wonder WireLess Korea has to offer .

  1. get a used iPhone 4 OR buy the latest WHITE new
  2. AND subscribe to 3G at KT Carrier
  3. buying a “Data Sharing Chip” AND subscribing for W3000 per Month for up to 700MB Bandwidth Traffic
    ( this depends on which 2GB or 4GB Data Subscription you choose FOR your iPhone )
  4. then buy a +3G model iPad to insert that chip into .

and here’s the rationale for above :

  • cellular calls AND 3G is better with SKT Carrier as they are earlier dedicated starters in cellular service
    BUT they have stricter cancellation policy – currently loosening BUT –
    AND offering more FREE Wi-Fi Zones to reclaim lost customers to KT Carrier .
  • you will notice much more KT Wi-Fi Zones throughout populated areas around Seoul Metropolitan limits .
  • you will want +3G for emergencies especially if you study OR work here
    plus it has GPS although a little heavier .
    BUT know this from the beginning – any surfer accustomed to Wi-Fi life will choke of frustration
    in doing anthing other than email checking, for it is very, beaucoup slow ~

still in the end a bulk of +3G users will come to consider pocket-Wi-Fi  in Egg
as its latest models toute almost 8-hours battery life !
all this is how connections are in April 2011 – and all may change as wireless standards AND carrier policies change .

finally most larger KT AND Apple-contracted stores in larger cities in South Korea have abundant supply of all capacity BLACK iPad 2 today .
with SKT Carrier expected to gain supply from next month – even BLACK .


[ CAUTION ] although negligible AND interchangeable
you should know USB Cables AND Power is different between iPhone 4, Original iPad AND iPad 2 .



[ Official On-Line information WebSites for Apple iPad 2 ]

Apple iPad 2 at Apple Korea Online Site
( as of first Week of May 2011, they sell ALL models in Wi-Fi ONLY AND +3G in 16GB, 32GB AND 64GB
BUT will take approximately 2~3 Weeks to be assembled in China, etc., then delivered into South Korea )
and Korean Apple Store On-Line


Official South Korean Telecommunication (Mobile Carriers) Websites AND Their WebStores :

beware : many Un-Official shopping sites operate under /similar/ look-alike web-addresses
and a rule-of-thumb to tell the difference
is that Official Telecommunication Stores have individual branch stores INSIDE their store-front
where-as individual branch store websites have ONLY their own single store .
( they mostly sell +3G models WITH subscription of 2 years )Apple iPad 2 at KT’s Consumer Website

Official KT On-Line Store

SKT or SK Telecom’s Consumer Website

Official SKT On-Line Store

– for Wi-Fi models with subscription go to Apple-contracted stores (called Resellers)
– for stand-alone Wi-Fi models WITHOUT subscription : department stores AND supermarts
( where most are independent booth run by Apple-contracted stores mentioned above )

ALL links above are in Korean
and we mention over AND over : that if you are a foreigner new to South Korea
you should get correct information at either KT AND/OR SKT Main Building AND/OR Stores
especially if you do NOT have an alien registration number .



inter-related Posts :
09.2.9 Largest Apple Store Korea Open Seoul Premium ReSeller Frisbee,
09.2.6 Apple iPhone 3GS Launch in Korea – available Models, Versions and Price to use KT,
10.8.15 Apple iPhone 4 Official Release South Korea,
10.8.16 Where to Buy, How to Use and How Much to Sell Apple iPad in Seoul, Busan, South Korea,

10.10.5  iPad Begin Sale South Korea Early Sign-Up Reservation,
11.10.3 Apple iPhone 4S iPod Touch 4th Generation 4.5 White Release Korea Price When and Where,

and dedicated Pages to hold true for over a year :
Apple Store Directory Korea,
Apple Support Centers in South Korea,
Apple Korea F.A.Q. ,
Cell Phones AND Cellular Carriers in South Korea – January 2009,
Korea Telecommunication Directory – March 2009 and Updated April 2011,

29 thoughts on “iPad 2 Release Date Seoul Busan Korea

    1. When it is released in April, if you aren’t sure where to go, just go to http://www.apple.co.kr and order it, you can have it shipped to your appartment (or your work). You can go there and sign up to be notified when it is released.

  1. So I am in the us now and will buy an iPad before leaving for korea, I assume the price will be around 600,000 for the basic model… I want to get the 3G gsm version but unsure if it would work over there, I had some heated discussion with Korean companies about using a foreign iPhone there and how they make it so hard on you. So what’s my best bet? Buy one here or there?

    1. as mentioned on this Post get the AT&T version and after applying a simple documentation your 3G will work in South Korea though product support is NOT yet confirmed – more likely in Wi-Fi only .
      read my post on using Korean cell phones abroad, while vice-versa the whole of Koreas was never truely democratic (people) NOR Global (use) – in short protectionism rules -_-
      – Have a Nice Trip !

  2. Ok read ur latest update, I was right about it being 600,000, when I leave the country after my trip I can get a tax free of 5% too, great…

  3. hello guys am hitting seoul next weekend and i will like to buy ipad 1 not ipad 2 cos for me there is no difference anyway, i just would like to know where i can easily go snd pick it in any apple store in korea, cos i just have one week to hang around, thanks for your support.

  4. hiya! i am thinking of selling my “spare” ipad2 (i already have a black 64GB 3G) in korea as i will be there on april 23. mine’s a white, 64GB wifi only, factory sealed and has international warranty. got it for 670euros from the apple store. so…. should i sell it in korea or not? or shall i just sell it to my friend here in my country?

    1. largely for cultural reasons the demand is on a different dimension than the States where die-hard fans would wait in the rain over-night OR pay +$100~200 premium NOT to wait the 2~4 weeks waiting period .
      1. Time-wise : Korean not-so-early adopters went bonkers last Spring and Summer fetching the original iPad because it was delayed almost half a year into South Korea,
      2. Price-wise : even at that the +$100~200 extra was NOT a premium but half express AND insured freight and the other half handling fees for the intermediator .

      now the date you are arriving in Korea almost coincides with local release date AND 64GB Wi-Fi is expected to be priced LESS than your purchase, so time-wise NOR price-wise yours probably won’t sell here .

      1. thanks so much for your input! i also asked my Korean friend and she said the white ipad2 64GB wifi costs 1,040,000won which is about 660E in today’s exchange rate. so i think i’ll just sell it to my friend here then 😉 and it’s less hassle for me too 😉
        great site you got here, btw ^^

  5. I’m wanting to buy the iPad 2 3G version but not exactly sure how I should go about doing that on April 23rd. I’m not wanting to sign a contrat for the 3G service (Unless they have a 1 year contract or a plan that goes with my iPhone 4) so I’m basically wanting to pay for the iPad 2 at full price. Do you think stores like Frisbee or A# will sell the 3G version? Or will only the KT/SK stores sell them? Any advice will be much appreciated. I’m hoping to get one on April 29th 🙂

      1. Oh sorry I didn’t that information above. So I stopped by the global KT store in Sinchon today and they said they haven’t heard about taking reservations this Saturday. Perhaps they haven’t been informed yet by the HQ?

        1. No, sorry me for the confusion but it has been a wild day as if the Aliens have landed -_-
          still information is changing by the day so as of now : they didn’t know because Global Stores are NOT in the early reservation yet . by “early” I mean from today :
          for direct-run KT Branches AND Telephone Companies have started today .
          and aside from this “early” reservation, new possibility KT might NOT take reservations at all and start selling straight-out .

      2. Oh man so it looks like I might be waiting in line on Friday to get KT iPad 2 3G. I really hope I can get one without a 3G contract. A rep from the Sinchon KT Global store said “Data Sharing” with my iPhone 4 is only 3,000WON a month. Thought I would share since I think it would be helpful to those who are not sure what model to buy. Thanks for all the info/work you have done. It is really helpful!

  6. Can I ask what department stores you are talking about for buying the Wifi model with no subscription? I live in Seoul but have never seen a SuperMart. I would like to make sure I can get an iPad 2 on release day; which department stores are the best ones to go to? Shinsegae, Lotte, Hyundai? Thank you!

    Also, every time I call the SK English help line, they tell me they have no information about reservations. Even as late as this morning, they had no information. I wonder when they’ll finally release it!

    1. my post hints 2 Department Store branches
      and you have never seen a SuperMart because you live/work Central downtown OR in KangNam area of prime Real Estate there’s no land to build mammoth SuperMarts .
      SKT carrier may still be contemplating on a release date so KT should come earlier .
      read my Posts for there ARE difference in getting either for Wi-Fi and Good Luck !

  7. been sifting thru the info.. and difficult to decipher.
    arriving in seoul this fri april 29.
    could be carrying 2 ipad2’s with me. plan to use one during my stay and consider selling it before i leave. (1 aparingly used/ open + 1 still in box.) how much can i fetch for them realistically?

    if they begin selling this monday in korea as u say.. then i figure not much premium over retail…

    what is retail for ipad 2 in seoul anyways?


    1. You may be heralded in Korean Millennium history as THE person who brought iPad 2 into the Korean Penninsula, for the sale should commence as you land on inCheon Airport 😉
      Korean price is only partially known BUT a safe bet would add 10% to your US Apple Store retail
      then you should ask yourself WHO would buy a US version in South Korea ?
      – a good answer is an American expatriate who is seeking +3G AT&T models usable in here with full Support back home .

  8. “or Wi-Fi ONLY models at any of the Apple-contracted stores we listed way~ above
    and if you don’t need subscriptions and instead stand-alone models : to department stores OR supermarts, who should have better credit card payment (installment) options AND/OR discounts”

    Do you have any information on which department stores will offer installment options or discounts? ^^

    1. 2 kinds of discounts applicable here :
      first is the 1 to 3 or even 6 or 12 Month installment plans w/o interest regularly offered by the department store OR supermart – you can call OR check their On-Line Mall,
      second is the 3 ~ 5 % discount sometimes applied on the product itself and more of a promotion for the stores so have to inquire once the sale starts .

  9. Visited the Apple store in Shinsegae Dept Store, Centum City Busan today. Was informed by the Apple advisor that they will receive WiFi only iPads on 28th which will be avaialbe for purchase on 29th or 30th. The exact date had not been communicated to them.

    Great updates. Thanks

  10. Sorry for the newbie question…

    But if I get the iPad 2 WiFi plus 3G version, is it possible to get this “without” signing a contract?

    I may not be in Korea much longer, so there’s no point in locking myself into a contract.

    And if I can get a non-contract version, what do I do?

    Just buy a Simcard and plug it in?

    Anything special I need to know about the Simmcard? Can you recommend one?

    1. no its NOT a newbie matter for many want stand-alone 3G models
      to “share” bandwidth with existing smartphone subscriptions
      and update coming up on “Where to Sign Up FAQ” above – Good Luck !
      – in short, 3G w/o subscription would come probably later
      you might opt to sign-up THEN cancel WITH penalty –
      BUT if you plan on being in S.Korea less than 6 Month, better an American model .

  11. So I called the KT Global store in Sinchon and they said they haven’t been informed when they are allowed to sell the iPad 2. Please keep in mind that I did reserve a 3G version so I don’t know if that will make a difference on when I will be able to pick mine up. When I first went in and reserved my iPad 2, they had a projected release date of April 29th so I am hoping that will still hold to be true. I thought I would give everyone my update here in Seoul.


    I really hope you still decide to post the WIFI passwords. That information would be really useful!

    1. Nevermind! I just saw your post above! So my Korean skills are pretty bad.


      What is this sign up site for? Is that just to inform you when they have them in stock or do you need to sign up AND be the first 100 at the store to get one? I better stop by the KT Global store in Sinchon and see whats going on!

      Thanks for all your help. Your updates have been incredibly useful!

      1. sorry, corrected the Link – long night //
        I do NOT think Global Stores would be of much help
        during this first phase of iPad 2 sales .
        instead seek aid of your relatives if you have here .

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